It would be great if the ccleaner uninstaller would delete traces and left overs of uninstalled files on pc and registery after uninstalling a application.
Right now it seems it only uninstalls like windows own uninstaller. So adding traces and left over cleanup capability to the ccleaner uninstaller would be great.
Sort of like iobit uninstaller or wise uninstaller, etc..
Right now it seems it only uninstalls like windows own uninstaller.
not seems, that's exactly what is does, it uses the same process as if you did it from Control Panel.
those uninstallers (iobit, revo and such) all do a good job, but not without a potential (albeit small) for making things go pear-shaped.
one of CC's selling points is it's lightly-lightly approach out of the box but with the capability of the user making it cut deeper via includes or winapp2.ini