A Special Thanks

Hello To All,

I confess that I am not on the forum as much as I would like and know I have missed a great deal. When I do, I am pleased to see articles such as the warning on AVG just posted. Many swear by it and I have been encouraged by some I have dealt with at home to install it and almost have but I have kept Panda. I think us dummies should get down on at least one knee, be grateful for and thank especially those Moderators like Hazelnut, Andavari, Nergal and Dennis that come to mind. Their tireless efforts keep us out of shark infested waters so much. Thanks and a good day to all.



Hi Warlock, glad to hear you're doing well.

Warlock posters like you make being a moderator a pleasure.

Take care :)

But I do have to wonder.... why is this in the Software section? :lol:

Three /cheers for the moderation team

But I do have to wonder.... why is this in the Software section? :lol:

Three /cheers for the moderation team

Dear Winapp2.ini,

I was stumbling, my usual method, around the forum today hoping to find something to help me. I landed in this section and saw your comment. Did I put my post of 12-21-10 in the wrong place? I was only sharing my experience with AVG which I thought was the topic inserted by Hazelnut and while I was at it thanked the Moderators. If I should have gone to another section I would appreciate any and all help from you. I'll be honest, I haven't mastered the forum yet. Thanks much and have a good day and happy holiday.


But I do have to wonder.... why is this in the Software section? :lol:

The Lounge was closed.:P Hazelnut noticed a guy in a Santa suit that suspiciously looked like MrG with a cherished gold laptop so she made me lock the doors and ran after him because she really wants that laptop. I don't know if she caught him yet because he was really fast and crafty on those roller blades doing rail slides and such.:lol:


Hi Warlock, glad to hear you're doing well.

Hi Nergal,

What's the "blush"? Not necessary, you're deserving. Besides, anyone with your avatar "growls" LOL. I'll be better after Xmas is over with. Take care fella.


Warlock posters like you make being a moderator a pleasure.

Take care :)

Hi Hazel,

No, the pleasure is all mine. Take care lady.


The Lounge was closed.:P Hazelnut noticed a guy in a Santa suit that suspiciously looked like MrG with a cherished gold laptop so she made me lock the doors and ran after him because she really wants that laptop. I don't know if she caught him yet because he was really fast and crafty on those roller blades doing rail slides and such.:lol:

Andavari, you've caused me to take an anti-hysteria pill. I can see this is one big, happy family. Take care my friend.


I have to agree with the OP here. I don't come here near as much as I used to due to life/family/work time committments but every time I come back I see a well put together site, with a great team of fair moderators that do an excellent job. I love this site and see it as a great warm community with valuable information and great people as members. A place to come and discuss ideas and thoughts without the usual forum spam, trolls, and negative comments about each other. Piriform makes some absolutely great products and MrG has chosen the cream of the crop in mods, so once again thanks to all that keep this site flourishing and a welcoming community. :)

Wowza! a 1984 cameo! Hiya :D

I have to agree with the OP here. I don't come here near as much as I used to due to life/family/work time committments but every time I come back I see a well put together site, with a great team of fair moderators that do an excellent job. I love this site and see it as a great warm community with valuable information and great people as members. A place to come and discuss ideas and thoughts without the usual forum spam, trolls, and negative comments about each other. Piriform makes some absolutely great products and MrG has chosen the cream of the crop in mods, so once again thanks to all that keep this site flourishing and a welcoming community. :)

Hi 1984,

Don't believe we've crossed paths but hello. I'll certainly keep an eye peeled for your posts. Any affiliation with Orwell? LOL Have a good one.
