Hey everybody. This isn't my usual happy-go-lucky type post, but since I consider quite a few of you my friends, I thought it would be easier to post this rather than PM a ton of people. This isn't easy to say, but my grandmother passed away today. She had a heart attack early this morning and oxygen had been cut off for at least 10 minutes or so before the paramedics got here. They got her heart pumping in the ER but she couldn't breathe on her own; there was no brain function and her pupils wouldn't dialate. They had her on a machine to keep her heart and lungs going but we were told that there was no chance of saving her, which we already knew. So shortly after 1pm (and many phone calls to family), my mom and aunt had them shut off the machines. We said our goodbyes and that was that. She's with her husband now - no more suffering and no more pain. We'll miss her a great deal, that's for sure.
I don't know you Lulu but I feel your pain and I am so sorry for your loss. The pain of losing someone very close to you, someone who lives in your heart, can be unbearable. As time goes by your pain settles and fond memories of that person will bring peace.
My parents, both deceased now, had three sons and I was the youngest. Sadly, both my brothers are long gone. My oldest brother died in 1961 at the very young age of 27. He was a jet pilot with the Canadian Navy flying off the Bonaventure in Halifax and crashed his Banshee during a routine flight to burn off some fuel before he was to take part in an air show. My other brother died at the age of 44 in 1984 from spinal cancer. 1961 and 1984 were tough, tough years for me. I miss them to this day but have had many moments were I actually smile from some of the joyful memories.
Thank you everyone. The prayers and thoughts from all of you are wonderful and my family and I appreciate it very much. It's been rough, but we are dealing and I know things will get easier with time. Again, I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.