A Piriform Newbie says hello

My first post and I hope not to be putting it in the wrong place...(said with fingers crossed)..

Just a quick hello of sorts and I hope to spend some time here.

In real life (is there any other) : I am now retired, but still do a couple of days volunteer teaching of computer skills to senior folks.

They always get my little chat about good house keeping rules when it comes to keeping computers purring.

It includes naturally enough : a big thumbs up for Piriform with all its wonderful and useful software.. :D



Hello Qwertius and a very big welcome to the forums :)

Hope you drop by regularly.

It's a great forum and a great resource, I've only been here for a little over 6 months and could rattle off at least half a dozen things I've learned by simply joining in the conversations.

If I could be so bold as to suggest you start a topic describing your 'good house keeping rules'. :D I'm sure you'd get plenty of feedback and could pass that onto those 'senior folks'.

Hi Qwertius, and a welcome from me also.

Hope you enjoy the time you spend on here. It's a great forum with a bunch of great guys.


I appreciate your kind welcome, and look forward to getting to know you all.

I have used Piriform software for a good many years and am very grateful to the creators of their range of software,

But I have a confession to make though....since I have only a few shekels.

I have used only the free versions...which fit my pocket and the pocket of so many pensioners.

I hope I don't get banned for this frank admission. B)



I think you'll fine you are not alone.

The vast majority of forum members would be using the free products I suspect. (me for one)

Piriform's software was always meant to be free. It's just there are perks for pro versions and the business side of it. I remember back when there was only free versions, it was just me and MrG (CCleaner only developed). I got to play with the beta versions. :)

Welcome by the way!

Hi Qwertius. :)

. . . The vast majority of forum members would be using the free products I suspect. (me for one)

Me too. I used the free version a long time, sort of off and on.

CCleaner needs very little support anyway, but I finally began feeling so guilty about it that I bought a subscription. :P

@ TwistedMetal: I didn't realize you went back that far with Piriform.

You guys deserve high praise for publishing the best windows cleaner-upper there is for free.

When I first came here CCleaner was the only software Piriform had.

Ahhhhh ... things were so much simpler then. :)

Hello Qwertius, welcome to the Piriform community. :)

When I first came here CCleaner was the only software Piriform had.

2004 was when I first came on here. Those nine years went by so fast.

Welcome aboard. This is a great community.

Hello from me too Qwertius. A little late but better late then never. Enjoy the forum.

Hello Qwertius and welcome. You'll find the members here both knowledgeable and helpful. I'm a newbie also and have already solved a problem thanks to help from Alan_B. Take care and talk to you soon.