Someone not very happy with HP printers....
Someone not very happy with HP printers....
Someone not very happy with HP printers....
Hi Fluffy,
I just watched with amazement your video and the soldier in it certainly was not a happy camper. I don't know the whole story behind this i.e. whether the warranty was still in effect, etc. I have an HP4680 All-In-One and have had remarkable service and support. A few months after I bought it a modem squeal developed and not being able to narrow the cause down I called HP. The problem developed several months after my warranty expired. We were on the phone for hours initially then extended to days of calling back and forth involving several staff members. They decided to go ahead and make things right and instructed me to ship the unit back for replacement. Beforehand they sent me a shipping container and pre-paid postage to send it via UPS. I received a new unit and the same problem re-occurred. On the phone again for quite awhile working with this machine. Back it went and they sent me another unit. Same problem again, making it three transactions. Then a senior engineer got on the phone, had me make some adjustments and this time it worked fine. I have had good luck with HP. They will spend time helping to do even the minor things like change an ink cartridge if one is having trouble. I don't understand this person's difficulties but I feel sorry for him especially under the circumstances. I hope he gets some satisfaction eventually. Just thought I would offer some input to your post. Have a good one.
We were on the phone for hours initially then extended to days of calling back and forth involving several staff members.
That's so typical of HP. When I had to get my extended warranty replacement for my HP All-in-one Printer/Scanner I was literally on the phone forever. That's the reason I'll never buy another extended warranty from Staples because HP thought they had nothing to do with the replacement, however upon calling Staples the next day they stated HP had to replace it.
Nothing like being bounced back and forth, until the hint of getting a lawyer involved quickly resolves all the b.s. very quickly. The bad thing is they usually send a refurbished unit, mine stopped working correctly about one week after getting it so I'm using my old Dell All-in-one which doesn't print as good, but at least the software isn't a bloated cow either.
Please ...I have a know what I get like whenever HP printer software is mentioned
Yeah, the HP Printer software is bloated as hell. Took me some time to get rid of it.
I have a HP as well, will try and get a Cannon.
Warlock thanks for the input...perhaps the arid desert conditions may have a been a factor in the printer not working by the look of it now we will never know !
I use a cannon...but i think i would sooner use the M249 Saw !!!(there is a joke in there!)
Lets not give Hazelnut a headache !!
Yeah, the HP Printer software is bloated as hell. Took me some time to get rid of it.
I have a HP as well, will try and get a Cannon.
I've gone from a HP to a Canon. The Canon comes with quite a chunk of software (320Mb in total here) BUT the crucial difference is, first, 90% of the software install is optional. And secondly, the software is actually useful and I have installed it for that reason, unlike HP which breaks if you don't install all its (mostly useless) crap.
I've gone from a HP to a Canon. The Canon comes with quite a chunk of software (320Mb in total here) BUT the crucial difference is, first, 90% of the software install is optional. And secondly, the software is actually useful and I have installed it for that reason, unlike HP which breaks if you don't install all its (mostly useless) crap.
...and how is the printer?
...and how is the printer?
Not had it long so not really put it through its paces but I've no complaints so far
I have switched from HP to canon. It is much better because they provide all the software but it is optional and software is very useful as well.
link removed by moderator
The link at the bottom of rudolfc's post goes to iyogi support. Spam? I dunno, not my call, but my firewall says it is trying to call out to somewhere else.
Bad rep. by WOT
Edit: Nergal deleted the spam link so I deleted my temporary WOT link concerning it.
spam handled
Yeah, the HP Printer software is bloated as hell. Took me some time to get rid of it.
In my experience, the CD drivers are always more bloated. Download the basic drivers from the web for your model, & it should work substantially better.
Alana, in general we don't encourage reopening of old threads, especially slightly random advice. Please attempt to notice the date of a thread previous to posting in it.
Thank you, and a belated welcome.