A lot of errors

I just installed and used for the first time. I ran an Issues/Regitry scan and I stopped it before finishing - it had caught a bunch of file extensions not in use, and it looks a whole sentence had been added to the regitry, each word being a file extension. Weird - anyway I just selected those for remove just to get a feel - that was impressive.

Then I ran a full scan and it has thousands of errors [actually I wish it told me exactly how many] - I'm not surprised since way too many programs have been installed and uninstalled and my registry is bloated.

However, there are so many, I hesitate to let it go ahead, it's just too much to change all at once.

you can alwase back up your registry, just in case. dont forget! and thats the purpose of the issues scan, to find unneeded stuff in the registry. Personally, I have never had to revert to a backup. I think you will find many people will say the same thing. Let it run all the way through, backup the registry, and hit fix all. or if you seriously want to, you can go through and manually click fix selected, fix selected, fix selected, fix selected, ect........


It's completely safe to clean the errors. The most I've seen thus far that CCleaner has found was nearly 800.

What I've decided to do is search for errors one "category" at a time, that way the results are not overwhelming and I can eyeball them before I ok them. Some of the errors I'm getting are due to missing files that I will be putting back in, so I don't want them fixed.

It's also just as well I did that, since it found about 100 missing shortcauts, that should have been totally correct and refer to very active programs. For a while I panicked, since all the related directories had disappeard - they are updated very frequently and my backup for them is two weeks old.

It seems that two days ago while moving some files around my finger must have slipped and I moved them all to a different location - anyway that's great since it aerted me to the problem.

I'm also finding lots of old program references to stuff that was installed over two years ago and has long gone.

It also found two missing shared DLL's in Nero, which might explain why I can't write CD"s reliably - it tends to lock up - even though I reinstalled the software a couple of days ago.

I'm missing iecont.dll, iecontlc.dll, & ieuinit,inf files ( as well as.SAV,.RTF,.MBF,.MNY, & .DOC files in My Documents. This happened all at once & I have no clue as to what to do.....


I'm missing iecont.dll, iecontlc.dll, & ieuinit,inf files ( as well as.SAV,.RTF,.MBF,.MNY, & .DOC files in My Documents. This happened all at once & I have no clue as to what to do.....


Hello and welcome. :)

Can you provide a lot more information please? What OS are you using? What version of CCleaner are you using? How long ago did this happen? Why do you think this is due to CCleaner? Did you use the Issues cleaner, if so did you make a backup, ect..?

Please provide as much information as possible, so that it is easier for people to help you. ;)

I'm missing iecont.dll, iecontlc.dll, & ieuinit,inf files.

This is just CCLeaner finding registry keys pointing to files that are either nonexistent, or no longer exist due to software having been removed.

The dlls belong to Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, an application availiable through Windows Update.

However, if all applications you have installed and which might be dependent on this software work like they should, there's nothing to worry about, and you can safely have CCLeaner 'fix' those registry inconsistencies

Hello and welcome. :)

Can you provide a lot more information please? What OS are you using? What version of CCleaner are you using? How long ago did this happen? Why do you think this is due to CCleaner? Did you use the Issues cleaner, if so did you make a backup, ect..?

Please provide as much information as possible, so that it is easier for people to help you. ;)

Sorry about that ! I am using Windows XP, I am using the latest version of CCleaner, this problem happened about one week ago - after running CCleaner. ( I installed Webroot Spyware software shortly before....) All of the things I did were from the request of emachines tech support. I followed directions exactly as told to. For a while, I could not send or recieve from my outlook express, and now I can use it with no problem. I don't understand how to create an association in the folder options file, so I can have a program associated with the files I'm trying to open in "My Documents".

Thank you, jimjoltz