A General Question

Hi. Since 2.30 crashed my laptop completely destorying all the data and having to reformat and reinstall everything, I have been very wary of using this software. What can I do to ensure that CCleaner does NOT trash any of my 5 systems? I am very careful with selections that may affect the OSes (2 laptops with Vista Business 32, one desktop with Vista Ultimate 64, one desktop with XP-Home and one desktop with Windows 2000 SP4).

Thank you.

As far as I know, CCleaner wouldn't do something like this unless the Registry Cleaner has been used very carelessly.

For starters, you can start by reading the Piriform Docs :)

Update your CCleaner to the latest version 2.32 and update your OS.

Can you tell us what exactly made your OS crash? What did you do that made it happen.

Did you do any of the checks on your hard drive that were suggested to you on the forum after you had your crash?

Ccleaner is compatable with all the systems you have listed.

Did you do registry cleaning and save a backup (you didn't answer that question last time)

Are you just doing plain ordinary cleaning using default settings or did you tweak a bit?

Did you do any of the checks on your hard drive that were suggested to you on the forum after you had your crash?

Ccleaner is compatable with all the systems you have listed.

Did you do registry cleaning and save a backup (you didn't answer that question last time)

Are you just doing plain ordinary cleaning using default settings or did you tweak a bit?

Hi. I did not receive any notice that any previous post had been replied to. Perhaps I forgot to enable notifications. I did save a backup of the registry. The hard disk is partitioned into 3 drives with "Drive C" as an alias on the HP factory installed OS. I cannot tell what happened. No, I did plain ordinary cleaning using the default settings. It worked fine until I restarted the machine, then a CHKDSK showed nothing but garbled characters, the check did not finish, and every reboot thereafter failed. The only recourse I had was to reformat the drive.

Can you tell us what exactly made your OS crash? What did you do that made it happen.

No, I cannot tell you what I did to "MAKE" it happen! I ran the program as usual having used it since very early versions. I will try it again now since I have updated to the latest edition.

Thanks for your response.

So basically you have no evidence and just decided to blame ccleaner? CCleaner does not have the capabilities to destroy a system with general cleaning.

So basically you have no evidence and just decided to blame ccleaner? CCleaner does not have the capabilities to destroy a system with general cleaning.

The only "evidence" I have is that it was the most recent program to be installed on the machine. I am NOT blaming CCleaner, in case anyone gets the WRONG idea and jumps to ERRONEOUS conclusions!!

I am NOT blaming CCleaner,

"Since 2.30 crashed my laptop completely destroying all the data and having to reformat and reinstall everything,"

Oh no, course not.

"Since 2.30 crashed my laptop completely destroying all the data and having to reformat and reinstall everything,"

Oh no, course not.

Yes, of course, yes! Sorry - apologies - withdrawn, Your Honor! No offense meant. It's age-related dementia, I am afraid. Maybe when you get to 86 you will also have the same symptoms.

Ian take it easy. The young'uns here get pretty jumpy sometimes, I'm sure they meant no offense :)

Have you tried to run ccleaner again then?

Any problem this time?

Possible issues with a system refusing to start could've been malware related, i.e.; CCleaner deleted a piece of malware that would allow the system to run, etc., and it's improper removal could make the system non-working.


If your system had some other problem such as Windows stating the disk was in the RAW disk format you could've easily fixed that and lost nothing in the process.

It's also very wise to only download CCleaner from the two official sites since there are rip-off versions, and who knows what someone has did to the rip-offs. The two official download sites are:

* http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/

* http://www.filehippo...nload_ccleaner/

Possible issues with a system refusing to start could've been malware related, i.e.; CCleaner deleted a piece of malware that would allow the system to run, etc., and it's improper removal could make the system non-working.


If your system had some other problem such as Windows stating the disk was in the RAW disk format you could've easily fixed that and lost nothing in the process.

It's also very wise to only download CCleaner from the two official sites since there are rip-off versions, and who knows what someone has did to the rip-offs. The two official download sites are:

* http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/

* http://www.filehippo...nload_ccleaner/

@Andavari & @hazelnut, I only ever download CCleaner from piriform.com and NEVER from filehippo. I ALWAYS back up the registry. Kudos to Piriform programmers because CCleaner has ALWAYS worked PERFECTLY on my desktop machines, never once given me any more grey hairs than I have already ... it has only ever crashed my laptop (twice) which is why I said what I said at the very beginning of this unfortunate conversation. If it had done it only once, perhaps it could have been me who caused the error, but since it happened twice, perhaps it was the PC itself (nothing is impossible with HP computers) and the possibility of the existence of some malware in the NTFS that wasn't cleared properly. I don't know. I am not that technical despite my 30 years experience with computers.

Thanks for your feedback. I am now closing this discussion.