Hey everybody well first of all thanks for the great product, Guttman wipe right in your windows enviroment makes heidi eraser look like a kids toy
Anyways some suggestions:
1: Right-click on folder, delete with CCleaner, why? Because windows has a limited amount of storage in it's recycle bin, sometimes i delete files of 9 GB and the bin only supports about 3,67 (or something like that, differs by Harddisk size but that's what i get) and it would be nice for CCleaner to just automaticly delete it in parts so it doesen't leave junk behind, now I just run MFT free space cleaner every now and then but it takes a hell of a long time so it would be a great addition (Fileshredder has it so CCleaner must be able to add it aswell right?
2: Adding more support for instant messengers like Yahoo, MSN, AOL, ICQ etc. etc., I manually selected the directories now but it would be nice if it gets auto recognized and EVERYTHING is cleaned, human error could forget a directory as we all know.
3: Running WinAso Registry Optimizer's "privacy cleaner" it always pops up some stuff left behind by CCleaner(I have pretty much everything selected but MFT cleaner, just use that from time to time), for example: "startmenu and desktop", it finds start menu history and document history left behind, "Windows System", a few logs always stay behind, it's not alot usually about 2 or 3 and sometimes a couple of ISS logs.
"Recent activities", it always leaves behind DirectDraw history and DirectInput history.
Some internet explorer temps are not deleted.
4. Would be nice to have XBMC support aswell, cleaning its debug logs and crash logs (as a side note to that all the cache it gets from plugins like Navi-x etc.).
5. The Reg cleaner is far far far from perfect no offence it finds enough but again if i run WinAso's Regcleaner while CCleaner says the reg's clean it finds: "add/removed program errors", "Deep reg errors", lots and lots of invalid "ActiveX" and invalid "filepaths" so just a heads up it would be awesome if that could be improved aswell
Anyways that's all for me now, long list but I hope it's helpfull for improving this already great program,
Well thanks in advance.