A few suggestions

Hey everybody well first of all thanks for the great product, Guttman wipe right in your windows enviroment makes heidi eraser look like a kids toy :P

Anyways some suggestions:

1: Right-click on folder, delete with CCleaner, why? Because windows has a limited amount of storage in it's recycle bin, sometimes i delete files of 9 GB and the bin only supports about 3,67 (or something like that, differs by Harddisk size but that's what i get) and it would be nice for CCleaner to just automaticly delete it in parts so it doesen't leave junk behind, now I just run MFT free space cleaner every now and then but it takes a hell of a long time so it would be a great addition :P (Fileshredder has it so CCleaner must be able to add it aswell right?:) )

2: Adding more support for instant messengers like Yahoo, MSN, AOL, ICQ etc. etc., I manually selected the directories now but it would be nice if it gets auto recognized and EVERYTHING is cleaned, human error could forget a directory as we all know.

3: Running WinAso Registry Optimizer's "privacy cleaner" it always pops up some stuff left behind by CCleaner(I have pretty much everything selected but MFT cleaner, just use that from time to time), for example: "startmenu and desktop", it finds start menu history and document history left behind, "Windows System", a few logs always stay behind, it's not alot usually about 2 or 3 and sometimes a couple of ISS logs.

"Recent activities", it always leaves behind DirectDraw history and DirectInput history.

Some internet explorer temps are not deleted.

4. Would be nice to have XBMC support aswell, cleaning its debug logs and crash logs (as a side note to that all the cache it gets from plugins like Navi-x etc.).

5. The Reg cleaner is far far far from perfect :P no offence it finds enough but again if i run WinAso's Regcleaner while CCleaner says the reg's clean it finds: "add/removed program errors", "Deep reg errors", lots and lots of invalid "ActiveX" and invalid "filepaths" so just a heads up it would be awesome if that could be improved aswell :)

Anyways that's all for me now, long list but I hope it's helpfull for improving this already great program,

Well thanks in advance.

Welcome to the forums. :)

1. Have you tried "Shift" + "Delete"?

2. Depends, what exactly would you want to clean? Chat logs?

3 & 5. As stated many times in the Forums before, the CCleaner Registry Cleaner is designed to be as non aggressive as possible. Lest, it cause major problems.

4. I don't know much about what you are talking, so I'll let that pass! :)

Here is a link to some info about the Registry Cleaner: Link

Welcome to the forums. :)

1. Have you tried "Shift" + "Delete"?

2. Depends, what exactly would you want to clean? Chat logs?

3 & 5. As stated many times in the Forums before, the CCleaner Registry Cleaner is designed to be as non aggressive as possible. Lest, it cause major problems.

4. I don't know much about what you are talking, so I'll let that pass! :)

Here is a link to some info about the Registry Cleaner: Link

Hey, and thanks, glad to be on board :)

1. Shift delete just wants me to delete the directory like it always does, what i want is to Guttman wipe or NSA or whatever it, if you take fileshredder as an example it just has the simple right click and it erases it with the programmed algorithms in fileshredder (wich I think is NSA at it's best), I want that for CCleaner aswell just right click it and next to delete (like on you recycle bin) a delete with CCleaner so it'll use the algorithm you selected in CCleaner.

2. What I want it to clean is *clears throat*: Chatlogs, cache, session history, login/password, stored received files (if not exluded), login history (server you connected to blablabla just basicly everything you did after opening the program)

3&5. Now a days you can't screw up to much on your system reg if you follow the right protocols, next to that CCleaner always asks you for a backup (wich WinAso automaticly makes), there are tons of things that can be deleted without any problem, especially from the privacy cleaner part (The ISS logs, the DirectDraw and DirectInput history, that's all just stored data with no purpose) as for the reg cleaner, like i sayed there is still lots of stuff it can delete, if it finds program data while the program is gone from all the stored key directories its worthless and can be deleted, corrupt and not used ActiveX can always be deleted since it's bogus in the first place, COM stuff might be harder but that's why the backup is there, and next to that even if it's in "safe mode" out of safety for users that put a big question mark by saying the word "regedit" there could still be an advanced user scan wich does pick up all the corrupt and junk data wich (I assume you are aswell) advanced OS users can delete automaticly and just say yes or no to things we know can or can't be deleted (if a program like WinAso (registry cleaning for idiots) can do it so can CCleaner, right?:) ).

4. XBMC is a media center (like windows media center but then it actually works lol), it's a project that was used for Xboxes (hence the XBMC, XBox Media Center) but it has sayed farewell to the xbox and is now a full blown windows/linux/mac project) wich saves crashlogs (wich are useless unless you want to submit them) and other logs that are like every log, useless unless you want to do something with it.

Navi-X is a plugin for XBMC, it scrapes and processes all known video sites (like Videofriender and Megavideo and Youtube and blablabla) puts them in neat lists and lets the user enjoy free legal movies with subtitle options etc. etc. but it does save cache because it scrapes sites, connects to RTMP streams etc. and thus leaves junk behind wich swallows up space, it would be great if someone would look into it and see if they could add that aswell (and for those who didn't know what it was, like you, try it, trust me its awesome haha).

Well that's all folks,

Thanks in advance.

Don't use Gutmann, unless you are using a drive that is more than 20 years old. The 35 passes are designed for that kind of drive - not modern ones. Gutmann is a waste of time.

In fact, 1 pass is enough. No one ever recovered data from a drive that had been filled once with 0's. There was once a challenge named "Great Zero Challenge". Its goal was to recover data from a disk that had been rewritten once with zeroes (using an Unix command). The challenge went unaccepted until the end - one and a half years if I remember well. wink.gif

If you want to add other instant messengers, post the files that should be deleted - it'll be easier for the devs, they'll have less testing to do.

As Ishan said, the Registry cleaner is supposed to be a "safe" one. You can make backups...but what if you prevent Windows from booting ? You might know what to do in this kind of situation, but the average Joe (the one that doesn't even look at what will be deleted) doesn't. Besides, there cannot be any performance gain using a Registry cleaner, unless the PC had serious issues before. The Registry contains thousands and thousands of keys. Deleting a few just can't make a difference.

PS : It seems you are using Wipe Free Space. Unless you want to sell your hard drive...don't. It doesn't free up space (well, actually, a side effect of it is that it will probably delete each and every of your System Restore Points, which is a bad idea) , and it doesn't improve performance at all. wink.gif


Did you already read this ?


The webpage contains details on where a number of messenger programs (e.g. Yahoo, AOL) store their info. Ready to be added to ""Winapp2.ini"".

Do you know in which folders and files e.g MSN and ICQ store what information ? Then post it here on the forum and perhaps it will be incorporated in the next version of CC.

Don't use Gutmann, unless you are using a drive that is more than 20 years old. The 35 passes are designed for that kind of drive - not modern ones. Gutmann is a waste of time.

In fact, 1 pass is enough. No one ever recovered data from a drive that had been filled once with 0's. There was once a challenge named "Great Zero Challenge". Its goal was to recover data from a disk that had been rewritten once with zeroes (using an Unix command). The challenge went unaccepted until the end - one and a half years if I remember well. wink.gif

If you want to add other instant messengers, post the files that should be deleted - it'll be easier for the devs, they'll have less testing to do.

As Ishan said, the Registry cleaner is supposed to be a "safe" one. You can make backups...but what if you prevent Windows from booting ? You might know what to do in this kind of situation, but the average Joe (the one that doesn't even look at what will be deleted) doesn't. Besides, there cannot be any performance gain using a Registry cleaner, unless the PC had serious issues before. The Registry contains thousands and thousands of keys. Deleting a few just can't make a difference.

PS : It seems you are using Wipe Free Space. Unless you want to sell your hard drive...don't. It doesn't free up space (well, actually, a side effect of it is that it will probably delete each and every of your System Restore Points, which is a bad idea) , and it doesn't improve performance at all. wink.gif

I have to disagree with you slightly there, I've been able to recover up to NSA with some advanced tools via a linux based disk recover, for some reason it was able to decorrupt the files and (it wasen't much but) it did recover some files wiped the NSA way, that's why I use Guttmann because I was never able to recover ANYTHING, it doesen't take that long and even if it does it runs in the background anyways so that's not much a bother for me to be honest, and just a heads up the "there once was" means that while they coulden't recover the data they have been creating and improving apps TO de-encrypt de-corrupt etc. etc. i think the 0 challenge can easially be done now a days.

Next to that I work with sensetive data for my work so the more passes the marrier, overkill is a good thing at that point (if you noticed the news there was a guy working for defence in idk wich country anymore that did a 1 pass wipe of the harddrive and just put the comp by the street for the garbage to pick it up, a 15 yo wiz kid recovered EVERYTHING from the drive and all the plans etc, were made public, thats another reason why I let my users guttmann everything and before they are discarded I Dban the disks with a full Guttmann wipe) .

As for the wipe free space, I know what it does and I use it from time to time (usually only wen I can find a way to recover stuff that was deleted) and make a new system restore point afterwards (only use it wen my system is in good shape wich it pretty much always is). As for the registry deletion, I have seen significant preformance improvements by keeping it clean, I had a old computer (was running for more then 6 years) and it had about 13000 invalid reg keys, it boosted the startup, search speed etc. etc. plus the registry defragger in for example WinAso has some noticeable stability and speed improvements so, everybody has his own oppinion ofcourse but this is mine.


Did you already read this ?


The webpage contains details on where a number of messenger programs (e.g. Yahoo, AOL) store their info. Ready to be added to ""Winapp2.ini"".

Do you know in which folders and files e.g MSN and ICQ store what information ? Then post it here on the forum and perhaps it will be incorporated in the next version of CC.

Links not working that's one, second is I use multiple systems (and OS's for that matter) and everything has different file paths (even windows 7 and Vista differ with filepaths) so it's hard to post really and alot of work finding every single file, it's mostlikely easier for the devs to install it in a Virtual machine or some and see were it stores the data in each of the OS's. I seriously don't have the time for it i'm currently in dev with more then 2 projects and my normal job so that pretty much takes up all of my time. But like i sayed the path's arent that hard to get so i'm sure the dev's will be able to get them if they spend a little amount of time on instant messenger support.

He meant to link you to this : http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110

Since we are discussing Gutmann, here is an interesting item.

Since we are discussing Gutmann, here is an interesting item.

Intresting reading material, you can see it from a different perspective though, he might have been ahead of his time, the microscopes might not be able to read the overwritten data YET but since 1996 there have been many improvements and eventually they will be able to read something erased the NSA way etc..

Next to that the intelligence agencies claim not to be able to read anything overwritten once but they do advice their from there goverment to use a wipe their disks with atleast 6 passes, does bring up some question marks, but then again if you create say a secret sauce would you give the ingredients? Even to paper produced about it by the goverment. I think their technologie is far more advanced then written in this research, next to that there kind of bringing down the guttmann wipe methode while if you use it its overwritten multiple times and then makes it static (as were a magnet was put on it), also dban is discussed wich i've used for many years and I only have great experiences with it, if you guttmann wipe it it's completely clean and unrecoverable by any intelligence agency. (btw i just woke up wen i read it so i'll read it again later)

Thanks for the link, hope they'll eventually add them to the program aswell instead of having to do it manually (the list is still not complete for me though still missing some programs.

. . . . if you create say a secret sauce would you give the ingredients? Even to paper produced about it by the goverment. I think their technologie is far more advanced then written in this research . . .

I too suspect agencies may have withheld news of their ability to recover data. Why tell the enemy your battle plans?

But any sophisticated recovery system would be expensive and not impact us lowly citizens with our mundane private data. :)

Well...I seriously doubt your hard drive contains so much valuable info that some agencies will try their best and use millions of $ to recover what was on it tongue.gif

I too suspect agencies may have withheld news of their ability to recover data. Why tell the enemy your battle plans?

But any sophisticated recovery system would be expensive and not impact us lowly citizens with our mundane private data. :)

True, but Guttmann is by far the best wiping methode, it gets overwritten so many times and then made static, it's surely not recoverable and if you see what kind of wipes the goverment uses with REALLY valuable information that just makes me laugh all because they are lazy and it has to be done rapidly, the basic wipe the department of defence does for instance could be recovered by sayed intelligence agencies meaning other countries intelligence agencies could do the same and that's valueable info for your country lol.

But anyways i'm sticking with Guttmann, why do with less ifthe best takes so little more time.

Well...I seriously doubt your hard drive contains so much valuable info that some agencies will try their best and use millions of $ to recover what was on it tongue.gif

lol well if they find a well wiped ddisk they'll definatly waste the money on something like that because they just had do know what was on it :P why do you think anti-guttmann researches are being done like the one above, it's the same as those researches about arteficial sweetners giving you cancer and the Swineflue vaccin paralyzing you and even worse, all real scriptures written by real doctors who get money from i have no idea who to scary the public.. as for guttmann they try to throw you off of it cuz it's not recoverable and well they don't like that to much lmao

The point is : The kind of people with enough money to run a deep analysis of your drive is not the same as the ones who would want to know what was on it. Unless you're doing illegal things.

The point is : The kind of people with enough money to run a deep analysis of your drive is not the same as the ones who would want to know what was on it. Unless you're doing illegal things.

True, but even then they don't stand much of a chance with Guttmann while they do with NSA or whatever (Unless you used like 20 rounds of NSA wiping in Dban that is), but anyways, my point is if you can buy milk that tastes bad, milk that tastes good and milk that tastes freaking awesome, they all cost exactly the same but the delivery is instant with the bad one, takes an hour with the good one and 2 hours for the freaking awesome one wich one would you buy? Would you settle for good because you can't wait the extra hour? I'd rather wait for the freaking awesome one then settle for less (this is a metafor btw lol), that's why I use Guttmann, it's there so why the hell not :)

"In fact performing the full 35-pass overwrite is pointless for any drive since it targets a blend of scenarios involving all types of (normally-used) encoding technology, which covers everything back to 30+-year-old MFM methods (if you don't understand that statement, re-read the paper). If you're using a drive which uses encoding technology X, you only need to perform the passes specific to X, and you never need to perform all 35 passes. For any modern PRML/EPRML drive, a few passes of random scrubbing is the best you can do. As the paper says, "A good scrubbing with random data will do about as well as can be expected". This was true in 1996, and is still true now." (emphasis mine)

Source is a paper by Gutmann himself : http://www.cs.auckla...secure_del.html

"In fact performing the full 35-pass overwrite is pointless for any drive since it targets a blend of scenarios involving all types of (normally-used) encoding technology, which covers everything back to 30+-year-old MFM methods (if you don't understand that statement, re-read the paper). If you're using a drive which uses encoding technology X, you only need to perform the passes specific to X, and you never need to perform all 35 passes. For any modern PRML/EPRML drive, a few passes of random scrubbing is the best you can do. As the paper says, "A good scrubbing with random data will do about as well as can be expected". This was true in 1996, and is still true now."

Source is a paper by Gutmann himself : http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/secure_del.html

So your point is that 35-pass guttmann is recoverable now a days? Wich one is not recoverable by any intelligence agency? Because in my oppinion even if it uses all sorts of encoding technologie from back to 30+yo MFM methods to technologies up to 1996 in 35 different passes it's still unrecoverable by anyone. If it's not the option to even do a guttmann wipe is pure bogus.

Read Criticism where Dr Gutmann explains "the full 35-pass overwrite is pointless"


Yeah i'm read it, a few passes or random scrubbing are enough but why is it even included in these releases then? what's the point? and wich option is the most secure? a single wipe isen't enough up to 2 passes can easially be recovered by recovery companies (hence the DoD 3 method) so what's better the NSA wipe or the Guttman one?

One pass can't be recovered. Gutmann is there only because if it wasn't, people would be complaining since it also is in other tools.

One pass can't be recovered. Gutmann is there only because if it wasn't, people would be complaining since it also is in other tools.

Hmm so Guttman method is still valid but it's overkill atleast that's what I get out of it, it's still secure though just not any more secure then DoD or NSA am I right?