a couple randoms i thought up:
on my desktop i wanted to change some of my icons, do i need to deactivate some settings to allow me to change the icons for MyComputer and MyDocuments etc. there doesn't seem to be the option to change or update the icons.
I'm using the rainlendar calendar on my desktop, i downloaded some additional skins but i can't figure out how to access them, any ideas?
i was trying to set up the YPOP application with Hotmail and Thunderbird, anyone know if this is possible and how to do it? on that note, someone here said they had lots og gmail invites, anyone want to send me one, and how is that done??
thankx for any help you can provide.
PM me your email and I will send you a gmail invite (This goes for anyone else who wants one as well). As for changing the icons of my documents icon ect. Right click on your desktop go to properties, then go to the desktop tab, then click customize desktop.
YPOPs! and Mozilla Thunderbird
Also, if it doesn't work after that than go to Server Settings. Change Port: 2000 Default: 110
thankx for the suggestions, i totally forgot about the custumize desktop, and you should have my email now if you want to send the gmail invite.
I tried the YPOP program, I still can't figure out how to use Hotmail in conjunction with Thunderbird, Those instructions on the website are for Yahoo, they don't seem to work well for hotmail. If no one here can give me a more in depth instruction to use it, then i guess i'll try it with Gmail.
sorry, I didnt get an email.
you shouldn't post your email addresses in cleartext here, where spambots can find them -- you just instantly doubled your spam intakes by doing that.
you shouldn't post your email addresses in cleartext here, where spambots can find them -- you just instantly doubled your spam intakes by doing that.
did i do that? if so where, i can't see it, and while we're on the issue of security, is there anyharm in showing a Hijackthis log on here, like showing any "private" info to other users?
did i do that? if so where, i can't see it, and while we're on the issue of security, is there anyharm in showing a Hijackthis log on here, like showing any "private" info to other users?
He was talking to me I posted my email for you before I sent the PM. Oh theirs nothing wrong with posting hijack this logs all it shows is runing processes.
1 more random question, does anyone know of a way to have a process meter display in the system tray all the time without actually having your task manger minimized on the bar? or a program that would do it? i like to know what cpu usage level i'm at by just looking at the meter.
Under the Options pulldown, you can 'hide when minimized', and even 'replace task manager' !