I disable that file which has caused me some issues and even slowdowns.
I loathe the file so much I even made a CCleaner winapp2.ini entry to remove it from startup, but that doesn't fully cure the problem:
[*ctfmon.exe]; Removes this Microsoft Office installed file from starting with Windows.; This file may cause very severe system slow downs.; Tip: This file is better dealt with using the free xp-AntiSpy (www.xp-antispy.org).LangSecRef=3025DetectFile=%windir%\system32\ctfmon.exeDefault=TrueRegKey1=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run|ctfmon.exeRegKey2=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run|ctfmon.exeRegKey3=HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run|ctfmon.exe
To get rid of it easier use the free xp-AntiSpy, look under Tweaks and tick Disable ctfmon.exe
To get rid of it easier use the free xp-AntiSpy, look under Tweaks and tick Disable ctfmon.exe
Just took a look at xp-antispy, but didn't see "Tweaks" or where you could disable ctfmon.exe. Wonder if you have an older version and it's now been eliminated.
Just took a look at xp-antispy, but didn't see "Tweaks" or where you could disable ctfmon.exe. Wonder if you have an older version and it's now been eliminated.
That is what I did to mine CeeCee (the link) and have had no problem.
Both CeeCee and Hazelnut are correct, you need to disable it first from that PCHell links instructions. I already had it disabled, however I'd think xpAntiSpy would be able to do it auto-magically without manually doing anything since is replaces it with a dummy file and removes the startup.
I merely created that CCleaner winapp2.ini entry in the event I repair MS Office and it places that damned file back in the registries startup Run area.
My fault, Andavari. Guess I downloaded the last stable version (3.96) and not the newest beta. The prior version didn't even have a "Tweaks" section in it.
One other thing . . . will disabling cftmon.exe have any affect on the normal function of MS Office?
will disabling cftmon.exe have any affect on the normal function of MS Office?
In our English builds of it I'd have to say no to the best of my knowledge, I don't however know what it would do if someone had another lang enabled. I certainly haven't had any issues whatsoever and I've had it disabled for over two years now.
To add some more look at that xp-AntiSpy screenshot and read the text that it shows, if you have it installed you can view the whole text info in it to see what the xp-AntiSpy author has to say about it.
I did install the latest beta version of xp-AntiSpy and used it to disable ctfmon.exe. To confirm what you expected might be the case, it appears that it disabled it without having to go through the steps that CeeCee mentioned.