
Never ever forget this day.

If you or anyone may be interested, The NY Times has an extensive archive of transcripts from interviews with the first responders. The interviews were done quite some time after 9/11 but they offer a first hand view of that terrible day.

It is located here.

Never ever forget this day.

Amen, gunner, Amen.

Yeh, it was a terrible day.

The sad thing is that since then, everything just got worse, with all the new silly "anti terrorist" laws.

Yeah, they impose all the laws and start two wars and still haven't caught the 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden yet.

According to a cable news channel (don't remember which one), supposedly FEMA's slow response to Hurricane Katrina relief was the result of FEMA having to direct most of their resources to homeland security because of 9/11 here in the U.S.A.

I read that FEMA is now required by law to direct 1/3 of all its money to anti-terrorism. It's kind of scary that we've been told how prepared we are now for an attack, which almost certainly will come without warning, and yet the response to Katrina shows that in many ways we're not.

To put it simple if a terrorist organization wishes to attack us there's little that I think can be done to completely avoid it, especially since they keep saying on the news that there's already Al Qaeda operatives here in the U.S.A.

As long as there's radical fanatic's with a warped perversion of a religion this kind of crap will keep going on, and arresting Osama Bin Laden or even killing him won't end it.

And don't forget 9/11 was at the least the fourth major terrorist attack on U.S. soil:

1. Pearl Harbor (some of the Japanese declared it a terrorist act after 9/11)

2. World Trade Center bombings.

3. Oklahoma City bombings (domestic terrorism).

4. 9/11.

I couldn't agree more. However: Pearl Harbor and Kansas City have not been repeated because of the response.The world trade center bombing was a warning that we did not heed.

Yeh, it was a terrible day.

The sad thing is that since then, everything just got worse, with all the new silly "anti terrorist" laws.

Yeah these "silly laws" are changing our lives and our childrens lives. The consitution and the bill of rights are being destroyed!





These are my own person opinion. I believe everyone has a choice to believe in whatever they wish. After all this is America, land of the free, right?

Right? Right? Right? Right??? Right?????

If you or anyone may be interested, The NY Times has an extensive archive of transcripts from interviews with the first responders. The interviews were done quite some time after 9/11 but they offer a first hand view of that terrible day.

It is located here.

Thanks for that link Mike.

"Terrorsism" is defined by the US Department of Defense as "the unlawful use of -- or threatened use of -- force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives."

How we remember 9/11 determines if the terrorists succeeded.

They that can give up essential liberties to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. ? Benjamin Franklin

that show was pretty depressing on the discovery channel..