5 files found, can't recover

I did a quick scan for some audio files that were on my SD card. Recuva didn't find anything, but suggested I do a deep scan. While that was running (it took 13 hours) the dialog says that it had found 5 files which is about the same as I had lost. When I came back to the computer following the scan Recuva told me that because of filters the 5 files were not recovered. Does anyone know what these filters are or what this message means?

I guess you're running the wizard? I've never seen this message, but I don't run the wizard very often. Perhaps it's the selection choices for the source data.

This message came after the scan? Recuva does not recover any files during a scan.

Yes, I'm running the wizard. Would you suggest I don't? Actually the message that Recuva had found 5 files showed up as soon as the deep scan began, which is why I was initially optimistic.

I think that running in adbvanced mode gives more flexibility and control, but it won't give greater search or recover facilities.

Recuva will, at the end of a scan, show files found and files ignored. The ignored files are live, zero length, or system files etc. You can show these by switching to advanced mode and then checking the relevant boxes in Options/Settings.