Just installed 5.64.7613 but it's not working. I can't click anything. Not even close the window.
Already reinstalled but same issue.
Please fix.
Just installed 5.64.7613 but it's not working. I can't click anything. Not even close the window.
Already reinstalled but same issue.
Please fix.
I have exactly the same issue. CCleaner is not reacting at all. CCleaner Pro on Windows 10 Pro on my Surface 7.
Already created a ticket at CCleaner Support.
The update needs to call to the internet to function. Mine was freezing but after I disabled my PiHole and allowed CC (http://analytics.ff.avast.com/) to connect to the net it started working. Hope this helps.
Had same issue, whitelisting "analytics.ff.avast.com" fixed it.
Thanks VST!
Kind of bad you had to let it "phone home" to Avast in order for it to work. If that's the case for some people (I didn't have that issues using the Portable ZIP version) maybe they should update the system requirements to state an active working Internet connection is required -- that is if it isn't just another of the bugs both software-side and network-side they have to fix.
I was about the report the same issue, how do we disable analytics?
@ricktendo64: It is there in the privacy settings.
I can't install the new update at all: "Error opening file for writing": option to abort, retry or ignore. Any ideas?
See here
So the problem seems to be after update there is a couple popup messages for PC Health check. I temporarily disabled my Pi-Hole, dismissed the popups and I have reactivated Pi-Hole.
The problem appears to have gone for now, do not know if it will resurface.