42,293 ignored files

These were the ones I was hoping to recover from a bad robocopy script. How do I tell the software not to ignore any files? I've done a deep scan, but it just ignores :blink:

Hi Sarithz, and welcome to Piriform.

I don't understand fully what happened to your files due to a "bad robocopy script", but if the files haven't been deleted in the normal way, have you tried checking "Scan for non-deleted files" in "Options\Actions"?

The ignored files are (as Dennis says) non-deleted files, as well as zero-byte files, and securely deleted files. You can show all these in Advanced mode by selecting Options/Actions (as D says) and checking the relevant boxes - which I think are the first three and the non-deleted one.

so then the only thing its finding is non-deleted ones? why isnt if finding the deleted ones then?

No-one said that only non-deleted files were being found, the OP said that he wanted to look at the ignored files, and was given the means to do that. The OP implies that the files he wanted were in the ignored files, but how would he know that? As for why his deleted files weren't found in the first place, there could be a dozen reasons why, as we know nothing about his pc or usage.