4 improvements

1. Correction of moving files to the end of the drive algorithm. Currently it leaves some files behind and does not move them to the end of the drive

2. Moving all folders to the end of the drive in Options>defrag menu

3. Highlighting of the disk area, not only one piece.

4. File consolidation on selected disk area

can you explain the reasons/benefits on points 3 & 4 ?

#4 I can see a use for, I guess. Less so number 3.

3. I would like to select disk range to see files that are directly located over there. Then I can do what i want. defrag them, move to the end of the disk, etc.

4. I would like to consolidate the files that are behind "hald of the disk" to the end, and same wit the files at the beginninng -- move them to the beginning. This is one example.

OK, so if I have this right, basically the ability to move what-you-want to where-you-like.

If so +1 from me but this has been brought up before, and a few versions have been released and still no feature along these lines.

But if you have read other suggestion threads, you'll known the Dev team 'sees all' and new features will be introduced if they have merit (or I guess if enough people put their hands up).

I certainly would like to have the ability to relocate Docs to the middle, or Movies to the end etc.

Yes, that is what I ment. I am missing this feature since beginning.

Look at the end of my drive, how "move to the end" works now...
