4.18.4844 hangs on cookie cleaning

Anyone have any ideas love the program but driving my nuts.

You need to give more information information.

Cookies for what browser?

What windows version?

Sure, Win 7 64 bit- IE 11.Thanks for the help.

Does it hang forever? Or just takes a while?

Try to clean from within the browser. Then surf to some cookie laden sites and clean again with ccleaner. Make sure the browser is closed before ccleaninf, it shouldn't matter for ie, but just in case.

Ive left it for 30 mins..did try to use the internet explorer delete cookies function didn't help,Ill try to get some cookies and delete them but this has been happening for a week or so , sometimes after restart it goes away but after a few more cookies the same problem comes back. I always close everything before I clean

Same old..just click run cleaner and it stops at cookies .

Please run a debug (see the thread at the top of this board (bugs)) for instructions) and attach the log to this thread (as an attachment or in spoiler tags). To use spoiler tags type like what's below


Your log here


ok but its still hanging on 5% how do I get the results if it doesn't finish?

Force quit it, the results are a text based file in your ccleaner folder that is written while it cleans.


that ok?

Yes perfect, on your part at least. The report, sadly, didn't provide me with more to go on.

In the tools section of ccleaner, in the cookies section can you take a screenshot of the cookies to delete (left hand) column, or at least list for us what's listed there.



And that's after cleaning from within the browser? Yikes...give me a bit I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Maybe another member may be able to try something as well.

yep...im lost too

thanks for your help though going to use Komodo for now...maybe CCleaner will patch it eventually.

Did anyone come up with a solution or think of anything to help?

If ccleaner version 4.17.4808 worked ok for you,you could just use that version.