CCleaner 4.09.4471 (19 Dec 2013)
Windows 7 (32-bit)
Please fix (or bring back) the "/SHUTDOWN" command-line parameter. I don't know if it was an intentional decision to remove the /SHUTDOWN parameter or is an unintentional bug from the inclusion of that checkbox in the GUI to shutdown after running CCleaner.
While your changelog indicates that you've included an option to shutdown after cleaning many people rely on batch/powershell scripts to handle automated tasks. There are times where it's nice to launch CCleaner with just /AUTO (without shutting down) but at the end of the day, I like to launch it with /AUTO /SHUTDOWN. With this newest build, my only option is to check "Shutdown after cleaning" and only run CCleaner at the end of the day since you've forced me into an all-or-nothing approach. Please bring back the flexibility of using the /SHUTDOWN command-line parameter.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Open CCleaner and make sure "Shutdown after cleaning" is UNCHECKED.
2) Close out of CCleaner completely.
3) Open up cmd.exe and type: "%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO /SHUTDOWN
Intended result:
CCleaner will run and clean all traces I have specified AND shutdown afterwards.
Actual result:
CCleaner will run and clean all traces I have specified.