Title says it all. Unbelievable http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/Pag...0402.wvstab0402
man, what are these kids on? (O... look at me i'm in 3rd grade and wanting to kill my teacher just because she caught me standing on a chair or w/e) it's just stupid.
man, what are these kids on? (O... look at me i'm in 3rd grade and wanting to kill my teacher just because she caught me standing on a chair or w/e) it's just stupid.
It wasn't just one or two kids either it was 9 of them They brought the knife and handcuffs and a big rock to knock her out. They even brought gloves. Some of them were charged but if that happened in Canada they would be too young for charges.
Reminds me of the Columbine High School incident, and I'm not even in North America!
Reminds me of the Columbine High School incident, and I'm not even in North America!
Yeah that was a mess but these are practically babies.
well, kids these days are mature don't forget that.
well, kids these days are mature don't forget that.
I don't necessarily think that's the case. If those kids were mature and had any idea of the consequences they would've never attempted to "kill their teacher." Part of this I think is fueled by the media, and what parents allow their children to view on TV and the Internet.
Back when I was in school at that age we were all scared of our teachers because back then they'd spank your ass with a wooden mallet, then call your parents who would then take you home and spank your ass with a belt. Nowadays that's called "child abuse."
Take 100 lines "I must not kill my teacher".
Holy crap that's insane!!! Geeze back when I was in school, if we wanted to get "revenge" on a teacher for something, we'd just play practical jokes on them. The little buggers should all be locked up!!
First time I heard this, it was on the news, and I was like, "These kids need a good drop kickin' off a tall building." This is totally messed up - how did the parents not know about it??
No wonder when games like this are advertised on prime time TV:well, kids these days are mature don't forget that.
No wonder when games like this are advertised on prime time TV:
I don't think video games are to blame since they all come with a rating, however the parents still buy them the games anyways.
Because the kids won't shut up until they buy it or they keep repeating Wally's parents bought it for him.however the parents still buy them the games anyways.
These kids obviously don't understand the magnitude of what they were doing. 3rd graders are what 8 years old?
I've always been one to dismiss video games, movies, ect from being at fault for acts of violence or other side effects. However, this case really makes me rethink that position. How else would kids this young even come to think that doing something like this is a good idea?
The bottom line is that at this age the primary blame for acts like this should be blamed on parents. If they dont monitor what their kids are doing then s**t like this is bound to happen.
Because the kids won't shut up until they buy it or they keep repeating Wally's parents bought it for him.
Doesn't matter. I kept annoying my parents to get me something, but they wound up grounding me or ignoring me for a good long while. It doesn't matter how much the child wants the thing: it's not suitable for them then it's just not. Using the excuse "...because the kid keeps bugging..." does not excuse the parent: a parent ought to be firm enough with their child or else the child will think he can get whatever he or she wants.
I heard this story on my local news station about 4 days ago. It's pretty sad when we have KIDS wanting to kill their teaching. This is a real eye-opener: our children (children who are supposed to be innocent) planning to kill a teacher.
the child will think he can get whatever he or she wants.
Most actually do, well at least here in the U.S. they do if their parents make enough money.
Most actually do, well at least here in the U.S. they do if their parents make enough money.
If their folks make enough money. My folks weren't particularly rich, but they got me alot of what I wanted. Sooner or later, I thought I could get whatever I wanted from them, and they proved that wrong by saying I am not allowed to get certain stuff.
That's why I say a child might think the parent can get them whatever he or she wants because the parent will break down.