34 Optional Windows Updates arriving on Tuesday

The official list of Windows Update patches was updated over the weekend to show that 34 patches rated "optional" are headed for the Automatic Update chute this Tuesday, April 21. No, it isn't officially a Patch Tuesday. It's not even a Fourth Tuesday. But at least we're getting some advanced notice from Microsoft.


Thanks for the heads up, Hazelnut.

(Hey, today is Earth Day. It's also Hitlers' birthday. Coincidence?)

Let's just stick to discussing Microsoft's optional updates :)

- On the latest "Windows Update" day I was already wondering why there weren't any "optional updates". I thought MS has simplified a number of things in their WU procedure.

- I hope to see a new option for WU called "Download Updates & install when the computer shuts down" (or something along those lines) somewhere in the future. I submitted such a suggestion to MS recently.

- It's Always a mystery what all these "optional updates" do. I Always try to find to more info about them but the descriptions/explanations are so murky.

(If one wants to provide feedback to MS regarding Windows 7 then one can that here:


this updates ... not for me?

w8.1 64

I am sure there's a separate webpage for Win 8 as well. Try to GOOGLE it.

I don't like unannounced killbots in WU. Seemed to happen frequently back when I had XP.

come this updates with windows update? i dont have this 34 optional updates

Only one for win xp this time. 1 year plus since the end of support. The sky has not fallen. :D

So far no new updates. Slow Tuesday?

i have 2 optional updates, but nothing from this list ^

More details for these 34 updates:


Most of those are for Win 8, 8.1, and Servers. Only a few for Win 7 (me).

I get a 404 when I look for info on kb3022345, it says it may not be for my locale.

Does it do that for you when you look at the info on it in Willy2's link?

no, i have normal windows side...


come these 34 updates at some point with the normal windows update check? or only with your links?

I get a 404 when I look for info on kb3022345, it says it may not be for my locale.

Does it do that for you when you look at the info on it in Willy2's link?

Hi hazelnut. That particular update will not install for me - it shows as "Failed". Doing a Google search on "KB3022345 Failed" it seems I'm not alone. It also appears that everyone who is having problems with this update are based in the UK. I don't get a 404 when looking at the info on Willy2's link though.

Were you able to install this update?

Is there anyone else having problems getting this particular update to install? And if you are having problems are you from the UK?

It seems a bit strange that an update is failing because of the location of the person trying to install the update - I've never come across this problem before.

All of the other updates (I was offered 21 optional updates) installed without any problems. I've now hidden the above update as it has failed to install three times.

I get a 404 when I look for info on kb3022345, it says it may not be for my locale.

Does it do that for you when you look at the info on it in Willy2's link?

Will TOR browser show it? :ph34r:

For some odd reason (not odd really as it involves computers!) I can see that page today although ....

Update to enable the Diagnostics Tracking Service in Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2

...isn't the best thing to see first thing in the morning :lol:

Will install on Win 8.1 later this week as I'm waiting for some more memory to arrive and will sort that first.

I shall look around forums etc to see if I can find out anything else about our ''UK issue'' Robbie.

EDIT.. this link which I guess you've already seen


- I got 3 updates for my Win 7 system.

- Why doesn't MS issue more "Cumulative Updates" ? It would reduce the amount of updates a user has to install with a fresh re-install.