32 bit vs 64 bit CCleaner

With 32 bit XP Laptop I downloaded PORTABLE CCleaner 3.02.* and I got only the expected 32 bit executable.

Now with 64 bit W7 Desktop I downloaded PORTABLE CCleaner 3.04.* and I got both 32 bit and 64 bit.

I assume the 64 bit flavour will not work on 32 bit hardware.

What benefit will I get if I use the 64 bit flavour on 64 bit hardware ?

On my system there is no difference in the cleaning of any of them,

they all (32 bit and 64 bit v3.04 and 32 bit v3.02) find exactly the same junk to clean.

Is the only difference the speed, and by how much - I have not noticed any difference.

Incidentally, do 32 bit machines now get the "tease" of an extra 64 bit executable,

or do you detect the hardware of the machine that is downloading

(even if it is downloading on behalf of a different machine) ?



64bit will nativly clean 64bit programs and will look in the wow64 folder for 32bit programs

Most of my applications are 32 bit and probably do not trespass into wow64.

Would this be why I see no difference in effectiveness between 32 and 64 bit CCleaner ?
