3 great YouTube clips

For your viewing pleasure here's 3 YouTube clips that I thought some of you may enjoy:

The first one had me chuckling away. The second one had me rocking in my seat, especially at the point when the dog looked as if he was reading the music.

The last one is priceless. Had to pick myself off the floor. :lol: :lol:

I think that first one was filmed in my town :lol:

The police officers won't do anything to the legions of underage drinkers, but they'll ticket an 87 year old man for putting his trash out before sunset and a 27 year old biker for not riding with both hands on the handlebars.

In return, COWS!


None of these are meant to be offensive, just funny as heck. :lol: Pretty much all of them make no sense whatsoever, but who cares. :P

Hahaha, I love weebls-stuff