22% of Windows Installs Non-Genuine

Since WGA launched in July 2005, over 512 million users have attempted to validate their copy of Windows, Microsoft said. Of those, the non-genuine rate was 22.3 percent. 56,000 reports have been made by customers of counterfeit software, which grants that user a free replacement copy of Windows.

While high, that number is less than the average software piracy rate around the world, according to the Business Software Alliance. The BSA reports that 35 percent of the world's software is pirated (22 percent in North America specifically), and a Yankee Group study noted that 55 percent of organizations report instances of counterfeit or pirated software.


This is no surprise to me at all <_<

This is no surprise to me at all <_<


I'm curious to see the percentage in the US. I bet its considerably lower simply because most people just buy their computers from walmart or best buy.

In those 3rd world contries I've heard that pirated software is the norm and no one really thinks twice about it.


I'm curious to see the percentage in the US. I bet its considerably lower simply because most people just buy their computers from walmart or best buy.

In those 3rd world contries I've heard that pirated software is the norm and no one really thinks twice about it.

Yeah, to think of the percentage of people who know how to build there own computers. I hate seeing my GF Step-Dad buying a notebook from Wal-Mart but there's no surprise their. Can't build a notebook...lol. People who buy computers from Wal-Mart, Bestbuy, Etc. don't even realize how much useless software such as Photo App's, All-In-One protection software, Games, Etc. are installed. It's just stupid!!!

Yeah, I'll oddment I am one of those people who use pirated copies but now I don't. I may have that dang yellow balloon wanting me to download IE7 which is all-so useless.

I dont use pirated software. Lots of freeware, and if i like a demo, i will purchase it.

I will probably buy my next computer from Best Buy. I want a laptop vs. another desktop so that i can use it all around the house. But the next desktop I get will be one i build myself, and i will put almost exclusively freeware into it-excluding windows, as i actually like windows. :)

Im not a big proponent one way or the other on the pirated software issue, but i think it can just lead to more trouble than its worth, so why bother?

People who buy computers from Wal-Mart, Bestbuy, Etc. don't even realize how much useless software such as Photo App's, All-In-One protection software, Games, Etc. are installed. It's just stupid!!!

Just about any new PC purchase in my opinion should be formatted to get rid of all the OEM s**t that isn't even needed, hell even PC's from Dell come with crap on them such as bloated antivirus that times out in 90 days. I seriously don't know why so many PC manufacturers are blindly putting trialware on so many PC's when they could just strike an agreement with freeware and open source developers to have software installed that never times out. Think of having a PC come pre-installed with: AVG or AntiVir antivirus, CCleaner, Paint.NET, Foobar2000, a codec pack like K-LITE, Firefox, Opera, etc.

I dont use pirated software. Lots of freeware,

Ditto! I do have a handful of bought apps when I got my PC other than that everything else is open source or freeware.

Yeah it would be nice andavari but those comapanies pay dell, hp, and others tons of money to put their software on the pc.

HP makes some pretty good pcs these days but they put norton on by default. :(

My toshiba laptop came with mcaffee, aol, and all sorts of junk.(not to mention all of the toshiba software junk as well.)

Brand new out of the box it had like 60 running process!(I've of course cut it down to 23)

If I ever bought another PC from a retail store I'd reformat it of course. I to use mainly Freeware products as they are just better in my opinion.

Yes, I would continue to purchase Winrar and Tuneup Utilities and ACDSEE. I really like those apps. There are a few others that i like, but i dont need to keep up with the "Jones'" when it comes to software. I have a few other apps that are slowly becoming obselete-like NERO, which since i found Ashampoo burning, i never use anymore. Its great when you find a good freeware application. Plus my Office 2003 does everything i ever ever need it to do, so why upgrade to 2007 version? And ive been looking at Paint 3 which is looking pretty interesting too, so one day it may make it onto my computer. :)

Yes, I would continue to purchase Winrar and Tuneup Utilities and ACDSEE. I really like those apps. There are a few others that i like, but i dont need to keep up with the "Jones'" when it comes to software. I have a few other apps that are slowly becoming obselete-like NERO, which since i found Ashampoo burning, i never use anymore. Its great when you find a good freeware application. Plus my Office 2003 does everything i ever ever need it to do, so why upgrade to 2007 version? And ive been looking at Paint 3 which is looking pretty interesting too, so one day it may make it onto my computer. :)
I use Paint 3 and it's WONDERFUL!!!!

I my self used to use alot of pirated software, hell at one stage my computer was full of it. But im well over it, it is such a pain having to reinstall install apps constantly because of updates and blacklisted keys. And since i have found the world of freeware and opensource my computer has never been better, Out of experience i have noticed freeware/opensource programs are much better and do exactly what you need them to do most of the time, where as the commercial programs try cram as much Sh!t in there as possible to try sell the product which results in a huge download and bloated system dragging software that becomes such a pain that you end up not using hardlyever anyway! Ive learned my lesson wonder how long it will take the rest of the world to follow suit. :P


I'm curious to see the percentage in the US. I bet its considerably lower simply because most people just buy their computers from walmart or best buy.

In those 3rd world contries I've heard that pirated software is the norm and no one really thinks twice about it.

I think is a higher norm in non-3irdWorld country's as well than they think, most of the students at my college (not to mention tutors) and lots of the people I know think nothing of using pirated software/windows as well.

Personally I prefer to stay away from pirated software, if I ever use it, it doesn't stay on for long, it usually ends up there because someone gave it to me.

Either freeware/purchased/open source, software all the way, with an occasional dip in to that shady abandonware to enjoy an old game, or two.
