2014 Pwn2Own contest

Info has just been released regarding rules etc.

This year's hacking contest in March contains a new category for people to try and exploit to gain a cash prize.. the Unicorn.

To claim the Exploit Unicorn, a security researcher will need to exploit Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 11 running a on 64-bit Windows 8.1 operating system, with the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) running.


It'll probably be won by some master crook.

If memory serves, aren't flash and java often involved in the exploits?

If memory serves, aren't flash and java often involved in the exploits?

There are prizes for that too as well as hacking all the well known browsers.

Pwn2Own researchers also take aim at browser plug-ins, including Adobe's Flash and PDFs, with exploits earning $75,000 each.

An attacker that is able to exploit Google Chrome on 64-bit Windows 8.1 x64 will be awarded $100,000.

Results so far...


Hopefully we get these heinous calculator exploits off the market ASAP :lol:

Hopefully we get these heinous calculator exploits off the market ASAP :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Final day results


The anonymous participant could be the guy I mentioned in post #2.

JMHAAH of course. :)

The 2015 contest....

Two researchers on Thursday took down the four major browsers, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari, as Pwn2Own, the annual hacking contest that runs in tandem at CanSecWest, wound down in Vancouver.


Fast forward to Pwn2Own 2017 contest. $1,000,000 USD in prize money up for grabs.

Pwn2Own 2017: Windows, Ubuntu, Edge, Safari, Firefox exploited
