June 13, 2010, 10:04pm
Any 2010 World Cup gurus out there?
I got into my first ever WC Soccer Fantasy Tournaments this year, not doing too bad, I'm 5-3, 11 points....woulda' been 6-2 if it weren't for the "generous" UK goalie vs the USA.
But I'm tied for 1st out of 10 so far -and- I love competition!
June 16, 2010, 4:06pm
Switzerland just won against Spain !
Does anyone know of a software/widget that would show live updates on the desktop? I had something like that last time! I can't find any right now!
I don't use Firefox so I have no idea if this works ishan
June 16, 2010, 8:37pm
This one seems to work : http://www.softpedia.com/get/Windows-Widgets/News/Soccer-News-Vista-Gadget.shtml
It's a shareware, but the only limitation according to Softpedia is a nag screen.
June 17, 2010, 10:36pm
Does anyone know of a software/widget that would show live updates on the desktop? I had something like that last time! I can't find any right now!
I'm playing on Yahoo Sports and they offered one to run on the bottom of the screen.
And how about Mexico shutting out France!
And good for Greece winning, the African nation teams not doing too well, I'm surprised....pressure to win?
Will be hoping England can put on a better show tonight, I am confident (I think!)
Things can get a bit out of hand it seems, family wise, when the world cup is on.
June 18, 2010, 6:51am
Will be hoping England can put on a better show tonight, I am confident (I think!)
Things can get a bit out of hand it seems, family wise, when the world cup is on.
It's not because of the world cup, it's because the wife & her children are mad
Does anyone know of a software/widget that would show live updates on the desktop? I had something like that last time! I can't find any right now!
hope helps
June 19, 2010, 6:20am
Interval 2 starts soon:
Saturday, Jun 19
More Info Home Home Win Draw Away Win Away Prediction Kick-off EDT Points
matchup information Team: Netherlands - - - Team: Japan -- 7:30 am N/A
matchup information Team: Ghana - - - Team: Australia -- 10:00 am N/A
matchup information Team: Cameroon - - - Team: Denmark -- 2:30 pm
June 22, 2010, 7:53am
Latest world cup fixtures - Brazil v Argentina on Tuesday at Cape Town,
Spain v Portugal at Johannesburg on Wednesday, and England meet France
at the airport on Thursday!!
June 24, 2010, 4:31am
The remaining Interval 2 schedule:
Paraguay vs. New Zealand - 24 Jun 4:00pm (South Africa Time)
Slovakia vs. Italy - 24 Jun 4:00pm (South Africa Time)
Cameroon vs. Netherlands - 24 Jun 8:30pm (South Africa Time)
Denmark vs. Japan - 24 Jun 8:30pm (South Africa Time)
North Korea vs. C?te d?Ivoire - 25 Jun 4:00pm (South Africa Time)
Portugal vs. Brazil - 25 Jun 4:00pm (South Africa Time)
Chile vs. Spain - 25 Jun 8:30pm (South Africa Time)
Switzerland vs. Honduras - 25 Jun 8:30pm (South Africa Time)
June 28, 2010, 6:10am
Well anyone's favorite teams still alive??
I dropped from #1 to #3 in our FL tournament becasue I was going to pick Gahana 2-1 over the USA but chickened out....lost 6 big points, oh well.
The English squad got what they deserved yesterday from Germany. They haven't played a decent game since the World Cup kicked off.
They keep talking about the amazing "Premiership", and that it's the best league in the world. I agree, but that's down in a big way to the amount of foreign players playing in it.
Put a squad of English nationals together and you get what we've sadly witnessed over the last couple of weeks.
Really disappointing, and my heart goes out to the loyal fans who've spent a fortune on supporting them. They deserved better.
All JMHO of course.
Both my favourites are alive.
Germany and Brazil. My eyes are on Argentina now.
July 4, 2010, 12:27am
And then there were four:
Netherlands vs Uruguay
Germany vs Spain
....and I'm only 4 little points out of 1st in our tournament.
So, who wins it?
July 4, 2010, 7:38am
I hope Uruguay will be last (4th). Suarez's hand against Ghana was a shame.