Not sure where to post this, so I'll drop it here in the Software forum.
Yesterday, when trying to go to this (Piriform) forum, I got this error:
An Error Occurred
[#2000] You are not allowed to visit this forum.
That looks like I have been banned (as a spammer, perhaps?), or of course it could be a forum software malfunction.
Today I tried again; same error. It showed me still as logged in; trying to logout gave the same error.
Deleted all Piriform cookies and recycled browser (Firefox 3.6.4 on Windows 2000); still same problem (although I am no longer logged in after deleting the cookies).
Just to make sure I tried on another computer (IE8 on Win XP), and here I could successfully go to and login to the forum.
Any suggestions how to resolve it on my Win2K system?
wait which part of the forum is it refusing you to go to? I'm confused becasue you're posting here. is it only one or two sections? if so which ones. sounds like some switch got flipped wrong when piriform did the upgrading
You are not alone mate, I got the same error maybe two months ago and it still happens to me right now.
Getting to this forum is random for me now. There are times I cannot access and there are times that I can. I tried switching browsers and even using Linux to log on here and still the same problem.