[#2000] You are not allowed to visit this forum

Not sure where to post this, so I'll drop it here in the Software forum.

Yesterday, when trying to go to this (Piriform) forum, I got this error:

An Error Occurred

[#2000] You are not allowed to visit this forum.

That looks like I have been banned (as a spammer, perhaps?), or of course it could be a forum software malfunction.

Today I tried again; same error. It showed me still as logged in; trying to logout gave the same error.

Deleted all Piriform cookies and recycled browser (Firefox 3.6.4 on Windows 2000); still same problem (although I am no longer logged in after deleting the cookies).

Just to make sure I tried on another computer (IE8 on Win XP), and here I could successfully go to and login to the forum.

Any suggestions how to resolve it on my Win2K system?

The error continues, even if I use a different browser on the same system.

Guess I cannot spend much time in this forum as long as this is not addressed.

wait which part of the forum is it refusing you to go to? I'm confused becasue you're posting here. is it only one or two sections? if so which ones. sounds like some switch got flipped wrong when piriform did the upgrading :(

I received an error when logging out earlier. I logged back in then out again with no error.

I'm puzzled that you had no trouble with another computer (IE8 on Win XP).

An idea - have you tweaked anything lately on the Windows 2000 pc?

Hazelnut left MrG some info about it yesterday, so try to be patient.

Can you PM me the IP address of the machine you're trying to login from?

Thanks :)

Thank you everybody for your attention :)

Now today everything works well again - I can come to forum, sign-in, post - no more errors.

If it happens again in the future, I will PM you (MrG) my IP address. (It will probably be the same that you see me posting from now.)

I got a similar message for the last two or three days trying to go to the forum from IP address

I'll check the system

Sorry, I just sent you a PM regarding this, before I saw your reply here.

You are not alone mate, I got the same error maybe two months ago and it still happens to me right now.

Getting to this forum is random for me now. There are times I cannot access and there are times that I can. I tried switching browsers and even using Linux to log on here and still the same problem.

Thank you MrG - the problem is now fixed on my IP address.

@Ishi: take a note of your IP address (http://whatismyipaddress.com/) when you cannot access the forum, then send it as a PM to MrG.

guys I couldn't access Piriforms forums too , received error message saying access denied.

I am on a dynamic IP

is it possible to check my login details and see if there's any such block atall?




I am again refused access to the forum (Forbidden); this time from IP address

I am now getting the 403 (forbidden) error when trying to access the forum from

Can you access it okay now using that IP address ?

Thank you, but our IP address has changed again, and I have no problem with this new address.

It is because you are banned, plain and simple, unless you use a proxy of course to lurk around.

I say this, because this just happened to me on a hockey forum I frequently posted on for 10 years, but just got banned on, thanks to this [#2000].

Skyoneder, do you have a dynamic IP? If you do, it could be possible you got caught in their spam filter.

Sounds like an IP ban too which is kind of pointless if the troublemaker is on a dynamic IP address. :D

Beware of using proxies though, server admins can spy on network traffic and steal your login details.

Richard S.