200 Firefox Extensions Installed At One Time!


After I had installed 50 of them I decided to restart the browser to see how things were going. It took about one minute to startup but everything looked like it installed correctly. Then I moved on and after about an hour I had all 200 installed and was ready to restart the browser. I didn’t think that it was going to work but to my surprise it did…


lmao @

"It took 6-minutes to start Firefox with the 200 extensions installed but it worked!"

The screenshot looks like something one would expect in an infested IE, looks sad seeing FF that way.

I wouldn't expect it to work with 200 extensions either. Pretty cool that it did though.

Maybe they should put an artificial limit on the number extensions loaded, people aren't supposed to load so many extensions.

Loading 200 extensions wouldn't be to extend a browser, it would be to drown it.

:o Eldmannen wanting someone to put limits on what he can do to his FOSS software?! :o

If I want to put 200 extensions on my browser I will do it! :P:rolleyes:

:o Eldmannen wanting someone to put limits on what he can do to his FOSS software?! :o

If I want to put 200 extensions on my browser I will do it! :P:rolleyes:


Hi Guys,

Just taken a look at the screenshots of those 200 extensions.

Looks like some mad computer jigsaw puzzle. If a browser could talk it would be saying "Gimme a break"
