2 Newbie Questions

Hi. I have selected cookies I want to keep and ported them to the "Keep" list on the right. Now shouldn't there be a radio button or something to remove the ones on the left side? If there is, I'm missing it.

Also, the list of every program that loads on startup in Windows is very helpful; what I would like is the option of moving an item higher in the list so that it loads before something else. I am finding that several times a month I lose the icon in the startup tray, and when I attempt to access it by selecting the executable the response is that it is already running. That is fine, but if I don't see the icon I cannot click on it....

Hi. I have selected cookies I want to keep and ported them to the "Keep" list on the right. Now shouldn't there be a radio button or something to remove the ones on the left side? If there is, I'm missing it.

Also, the list of every program that loads on startup in Windows is very helpful; what I would like is the option of moving an item higher in the list so that it loads before something else. I am finding that several times a month I lose the icon in the startup tray, and when I attempt to access it by selecting the executable the response is that it is already running. That is fine, but if I don't see the icon I cannot click on it....

Why would there be a radio button on the left? You know what a radio button is? The ones on the left are deleted, the ones on the right are kept.... whats the issue?

If you want an item to start up first, there are programs to do this. I use a script so im sure some body can link you to an application.

To clear the left side, simply clean the cookies - don't forget the Flash ones under Applications - Adobe Flash Player. ;)

To clear the left side, simply clean the cookies - don't forget the Flash ones under Applications - Adobe Flash Player. ;)

Thanks, I have selected and run the cleaner, but the cookies on the left-hand, deleted column still remain. Shouldn't they be gone after the process is completed?

Thanks, I have selected and run the cleaner, but the cookies on the left-hand, deleted column still remain. Shouldn't they be gone after the process is completed?

Yes and No.

We always hope Yes, but sometimes something does not work.

Perhaps you have a new flavour of "Zombie cookie" for which CCleaner needs an update.

Typically how many cookies get deleted, and how many remain ?

Can you give any information about a cookie that cannot be deleted ?


As Alan said, click on the cookie in the left panel and look at the bottom of ccleaner, it will tell you what kind of cookie it is

a blue E - It's internet explorer

a red f - it's a flash cookie (make sure applications>adobe flash is checked off in the cleaning section)

a red O - it's an opera cookie

Not sure the smybol - it's a firefox cookie