[2.16.830] Google Chrome not detected

Hi, I've just found that CCleaner does not detect Google Chrome if it was installed under Program Files for all users of the computer.

By default, Google Chrome installs in user profile, however, it is installed to %ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application when downloaded as part of Google Pack (as explained on Chrome support site).

For technically inclined, you can install Chrome under Program Files without Google Pack by running the installer with command line option --system-level.

CCleaner fails to detect Chrome because it is hard-coded to look for the executable in LocalAppData directory (DetectFile=%localappdata%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe).

I suggest either adding another entry for Chrome (DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe) or detecting it via registry.

There are others having the same problem as yourself, so thanks for the input. I'm sure the developers will rectify this shortly.