My computer does not read any content to the upgrade exe file.
However, the box reports I am downloading the file.
2.14 installed properly and works well.
I am administrator.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
My computer does not read any content to the upgrade exe file.
However, the box reports I am downloading the file.
2.14 installed properly and works well.
I am administrator.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Have you tried downloading from here?
Thanks for the response unfortunately it did not work.
My computer shows that the exe file was downloaded but it then shows that the file had no content.
Therefore no exe file was transferred to my "downloads".
I am confused.
What are you using to download CCleaner?
What operating system and Service Pack level are you running?
What are you using to download CCleaner?
What operating system and Service Pack level are you running?
I use Vista Business SP 2
And IE8 Beta 1
CCleaner 214 works just fine.
I use Vista Business SP 2
And IE8 Beta 1
CCleaner 214 works just fine.
IE8 beta 2 is out and works great.
IE8 beta 2 is out and works great.
I would like to get IE 8 Beta 2.
But, I am unable to find a way to uninstall IE 8 Beta 1 in Vista.
Beta 1 does not show up on my list of programs.
I would be grateful if you could advise a method of uninstalling the beta 1.
Windows does not show a method in their help section.
I would like to get IE 8 Beta 2.
But, I am unable to find a way to uninstall IE 8 Beta 1 in Vista.
Beta 1 does not show up on my list of programs.
I would be grateful if you could advise a method of uninstalling the beta 1.
Windows does not show a method in their help section.
check this site out
Also have a read at the posts here if Typhoon's link doesn't help
Back to the CCleaner issue. You could try the old trick of emptying the Temporary Internet Files, then immediately restart your system and try the download again. Or try the download in a different browser altogether.
It could be your installed antimalware software ("antivirus, antispyware") stopping the download too. There's often false positives against CCleaner that are reported on the forums, so perhaps checking your antimalware logs may reveal something.
Back to the CCleaner issue. You could try the old trick of emptying the Temporary Internet Files, then immediately restart your system and try the download again. Or try the download in a different browser altogether.
It could be your installed antimalware software ("antivirus, antispyware") stopping the download too. There's often false positives against CCleaner that are reported on the forums, so perhaps checking your antimalware logs may reveal something.
Thank you for the suggestions, unfortunately neither worked.
Still 2.14 still works just fine.
BTW I am now using IE8 beta 2.
Could the fact that I have 2.14 installed be inhibiting the installation of 2.15?
Back to the CCleaner issue. You could try the old trick of emptying the Temporary Internet Files, then immediately restart your system and try the download again. Or try the download in a different browser altogether.
It could be your installed antimalware software ("antivirus, antispyware") stopping the download too. There's often false positives against CCleaner that are reported on the forums, so perhaps checking your antimalware logs may reveal something.
As a last resort I uninstalled 2.14 and simply installed 2.15 from File Hippo.
It worked.
Thank you and those people who made suggestions.
Presently both IE8 beta 2 and CCleaner 2.15 work.
You should be able to install 'over the top' of an installation with a new version.
Are you choosing the save to desktop option?
Do that and then run the exe file it should just 'overwrite' the old one.
You should be able to install 'over the top' of an installation with a new version.
Are you choosing the save to desktop option?
Do that and then run the exe file it should just 'overwrite' the old one.
I did not know about the save to desktop option.
However, by uninstalling 2.14 I was able to install 2.15.
Thanks again for the help.