2.06.328 (64bit)

Fragmentation of analysis result is updated during defragmentation, so all the time equals current state fragmentation.

What is wrong with "current state fragmentation" ?

Do you want yesterday's or tomorrow's ?

What are you hoping for ?

What is wrong with "current state fragmentation" ?

Do you want yesterday's or tomorrow's ?

Alan, Danko's description of the problem is very confusing, but I have seen it myself.

The problem is, that when you run Defraggler (32 or 63 bit, & under XP/Vista/7), then when you look at the Analysis results, and you look also at the Current state, the following problem does occur (latest 2.06 of Defraggler as well).

% fragmentation under Analysis auto updates to match the one for the Current state.

% fragmentation should always stay the same under Analysis, as this is supposed to show the state of ur drive BEFORE defragging.

Instead, what happens is, that % fragmentation automatically updates under Analysis to match what is displayed under Current state.

I agree with Danko that this is very confusing, & that it should stay the same.

Try it, & you will see!