18" or 20" flat panel monitor

I am considering getting a flat panel monitor. Computer use includes surfing the net, Word and Excel, video editing, and moderate gaming (including Half Life 2). I am interested in recommendations as to the best flat panel monitor - performance-wise.

Any suggestions?

is it ok if it is a 19"???

If it is then i would recommend this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16824116355

If you end up getting it tell me how it works. On the neowin forums i asked about it and lots of people liked it and some even had it :)

is it ok if it is a 19"???

If it is then i would recommend this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16824116355

If you end up getting it tell me how it works. On the neowin forums i asked about it and lots of people liked it and some even had it :)


I started looking at 19" LCDs. I'm now comparing the Dell UltraSharp 1005FP and the NEC LCD1970GX. Has anyone had any experience with either of these?

In order to keep up with modern games on-screen action you'll need a pretty good LCD monitor.


thats what she said
