114% fragmented!

I am trying to run Defraggler on a 500GB drive. The drive has never been defragmented. I selected a Quick Defrag for the first pass, thinking it would start fairly quickly. How wrong I was.

26 minutes into the run and it has only just said "Quick Defrag Started".

Now the fun bit

174,204 fragmented files (129.9GB)

2,479,363 total fragments

114% fragmentation

Yup, one hundred and fourteen percent fragmentation

Defraggler is using about 750MB of RAM (peaked at 820MB) and between 2% and 8% cpu, averaging 3%.

O/S = fully patched Server 2003

RAM = 3GB (1.4GB in use)

CPU = P4 dual core, approx 2GHz

HDD = SATA 150, 500GB, probably Samsung

Other software running =

Kaspersky TSS server at between 0% and 3%, usually 0%

SQLServer at between 1% and 13%, averaging 3%

Up2date at between 2% and 8%, averaging 5%

Defraggler v2.00.230 (also happened on 1.21)

I run a full 5-pass chkdsk on the drive tomorrow morning.

Any other (relevant) suggestions?

Note DF2 is working beautifully on my XP, 7 and even Vista boxes.

I love the new customisable drive map. (The drive legend needs to include low occupancy blocks)

Thanks in advance,


Hmmm, interesting ;) Can you send me the /debug log?

update: it started defragmenting after about 30 minutes.

The defragmentation process seems faster than on version 1.21


Hmmm, interesting ;) Can you send me the /debug log?

I will send the /debug log after lunch - since it has actually started defragmenting at long last, I am loth to stop it

I will send the /debug log after lunch - since it has actually started defragmenting at long last, I am loth to stop it

Ok, I clicked STOP mre than 5 minutes ago. It is still stopping!

Now down to just 170,773 files, 2,469,582 frags but still 114%

I will re-run defraggler in /debug mode in about an hour ... assuming it stops by then. (Lunch + crosswords take priority over trivial things like work)

Ok, it appeared to stop and allowed me to exit. It is STILL running and INCREASING its memory use! (600MB and rising by about 800KB per second)

It won't let me run it in debug mode because it is still running. More details later

Finished this session - zapped just over 5000 fragments again in debug mode. Logs attached.


Thanks, we'll have a look at this :)