My single hard disk is partitioned as in attached .jpg
(Single picture = 1000 words etc)
Recuva initially runs well, and fast scans on all partitions except C:
On C: it fast scans to about 80% (sometimes less) and then hangs with CPU use at 100% (for all apps).
If I cancel and repeat C: scan it runs much, much slower but gets to about same level and again hangs.
If I then repeat scans on other partitions they take much, much longer as Recuva is using all spare CPU available but eventually they will complete and show recoverable results. Computer now remains stuck in high (100%) CPU use mode as my Task Manager shows, even though Recuva scanning is not in progress.
In order to regain CPU I have to exit Recuva.
Drives M: and N: are 2 PCMCIA Compact Flash cards..
Drive F: is accounts etc and kept encrypted with TrueCrypt unless I need to access it which is why it's not showing.
Error log also attached.
Too much info?
Just noticed that error log says Intel Pentium 1MHz - my system says 1.10GHz (Pentium III)