Hi All,
I am running ccleaner from a batch file using the '/auto' switch and getting '[0x7FFC67E71780] ANOMALY: meaningless REX prefix used'.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Hi All,
I am running ccleaner from a batch file using the '/auto' switch and getting '[0x7FFC67E71780] ANOMALY: meaningless REX prefix used'.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Any more info?
Which operating system?
Which antivirus?
Does that error message only happen when you run CCleaner or does it happen whenever you run a command prompt?
EDIT>> some obscure info here.
Windows 10
norton 365
I have come to the conclusion that this is a windows 10 cmd / 64bit application issue.
If I run it from a Powershell script then there is no such notification. As far as I can tell ccleaner is still doing its thing when run from win10 cmd despite the 'Anomoly' notifications.
Thanks for the input nonetheless.