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  1. Happy New Year and Thanks Uhn, makes sense. That avoids malicious software trying to remove unproper folders, or even unproperly typed paths by unexperienced developers. Still, I think this is an important information to show in the documentation. More specifically, here, which is the page that I was leaded in my original search: http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner-for-mac/ccleaner-for-mac-rules/applications-tab By the way, how is the market saturation measured by Piriform?
  2. I'm an app developer, and I see that some apps are supported by CCleaner to have their "trash" cleaned (Adapter, Atom, Dropbox, LibreOffice, Skype, etc) while others do not (Audacity, Cyberduck, Inkscape, Wireshark, etc). Since my application has files that might be cleaned in case the user wants more free space, I would like to give it "CCleaner-support". Sure, I give my users the option to clean that inside my app, but it would be better if everything could be centralized in CCleaner in case they use it. How can I give that support to my application? What differs the apps that appear in CCleaner Applications tab from those which do not? I tried to look for that information in the documentation but I could not find it. Thanks in advance.
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