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Everything posted by ParalyzedTeddyBear

  1. The same thing happened to me after running the portable version of CCleaner. It happened after getting the following message and clicking "Do not show me this message again": After dismissing this message with "Do not show me this message again" checked, Microsoft Edge cleaning is always skipped with no way to re-enable. All Microsoft Edge boxes were checked in the applications to clean list and "Hide warning messages" was unchecked in the options. Toggling these on and off did not reset the behavior. Ultimately, to get it working again I took the following steps: 1.) I went into the directory where CCleaner portable is installed 2.) Found the file named "ccleaner" which is of type "Configuration settings" 3.) Opened the file with notepad 4.) Modified the following lines from False to True: ShowWebCacheCleanWarning=False ShowCleanWarning=False 5.) Save the file and close
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