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Posts posted by Jennifer

  1. :angry: I purchased my new Computer in March 2006. I donated my $20.00 and was hoping this program would help me keep my system optimzed, i.e., running faster, delete unnescary files, prevent crashes. ie., the perfect computer. I have used this program since August 2006, and always back up my system with your restore points (whatever, can't remember the exact terminology, because I have spent the last week factory restoring and updating my system, after it totally crashed - totally exhaused now because I live in "The Sticks" and only have access to dial-up..)


    Won't be installing this program on my computer again.



  2. Hi everyone,


    In order to help diagnose problems, specifically if the program shuts down after pressing "Run Cleaner".

    Can you select each of the options on the tree individually and then report which one it closes down on. This will speed up the release of any fixes.




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