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Everything posted by APMichael

  1. In the latest release only the support for different variants of the Brave browser has been added. The "updates from the community" are not finished yet, I think I can update them tomorrow.
  2. Yes, you're right, the changed DetectFile should always match. Ok, then we won't be able to solve the mystery for now. I will then proceed with the compromise as in my post: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/32310-winapp2ini-additions/?page=311&tab=comments#comment-303915 Thanks again for your help.
  3. Thanks, but unfortunately, there's still an inconsistency: The original Detect used "FilmOnLiveTVFree.FilmOnLiveTVFree_zx03kxexxb716" like the RegKey1. On your image it is now "FilmOnLiveTVFree.FilmOn_zx03kxexxb716". Do we then need a Detect3?
  4. @siliconman01 I guess my last post was overlooked: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/32310-winapp2ini-additions/?page=311&tab=comments#comment-303946
  5. Thanks again, for your reply. E1: The ExcludeKey of the BleachBit entry is no longer necessary, we removed it some time ago. And it couldn't be the culprit for the issue. Even the wildcards in the directory names don't change the situation, only changes have been made to make the entry easier to read. E2: The FileKey9 of the BleachBit entry is also not necessary as it is already covered by FileKey6. They have removed the same files. So, if you really don't use the ExcludeKey you posted here, then it's very strange that your entry doesn't break Cortana anymore, because without the ExcludeKey the same files will be deleted as with the BleachBit entry. Would it be too much to ask, if you would please post your complete entry here?
  6. Thanks for your clarification. Unfortunately CCleaner does not support wildcards in registry keys. You need to add an additional Detect.
  7. This is not possible because the desktop version already uses this name. We could leave the name unchanged or use [iTunes App *]. The "App" is also used by some other apps, e.g. [ShareX App *]. Just to be safe: Is this a copy and paste error or is the path correct? Because of the double "Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub_*\AC".
  8. Ok, thank you very much for your fast reply. I'm very sorry, but now I have to bother you again: If your entry is exactly like in my post, then your entry has an ExcludeKey? Or do we have a misunderstanding? (Because the main question of the current discussion is whether we need to exclude files or not.) If your entry has an ExcludeKey, we know why your entry no longer breaks Cortana. If your entry doesn't have an ExcludeKey, it's even stranger, but maybe the "SettingsCache.txt" file is only important for non-English systems. The BleachBit entry is the same as the current winapp2.ini entry, but without the correct ExcludeKey.
  9. I don't know this app either. But it seems that it is related to Windows 8.1, as you have already written: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/32310-winapp2ini-additions/?page=156&tab=comments#comment-245854
  10. Here is a compromise to end this little drama: [Cortana *] LangSecRef=3031 Detect1=HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\SystemAppData\Microsoft.Cortana_8wekyb3d8bbwe Detect2=HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\SystemAppData\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy Default=False FileKey1=%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.*Cortana_*\AC\AppCache|*.*|RECURSE FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.*Cortana_*\AC\INet*|*.*|RECURSE FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.*Cortana_*\AC\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\*|*.*|RECURSE FileKey4=%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.*Cortana_*\AC\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore|*.*|RECURSE FileKey5=%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.*Cortana_*\AC\Temp|*.*|RECURSE FileKey6=%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.*Cortana_*\TempState|*.*|RECURSE FileKey7=%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_*\LocalCache|*.*|RECURSE FileKey8=%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_*\LocalState\AppIconCache|*.*|RECURSE FileKey9=%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_*\LocalState\DeviceSearchCache|*.txt ExcludeKey1=FILE|%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_*\LocalState\DeviceSearchCache\|SettingsCache.txt The ExcludeKey for the single file "SettingsCache.txt" is definitively necessary, because I can still easily repro the issue on every system I tested, even v1803. And we also had an issue report on GitHub. Ok, since the second issue only occurs under special conditions, we try it once again without excluding the files "AppCache###.txt". But if we should get a new issue report, here or on GitHub, we will change the ExcludeKey back. I hope everybody will be happy now and we can close this topic. Thanks for your information. But this is very strange, because the changed FileKey9 you are using now deletes the same files as the previous FileKey of the entry that caused issues on your system. But anyway, let's just wait and see if the issue recurs. Just to make sure: You then also removed the ExcludeKey from your own entry? Or is there still an ExcludeKey in your entry?
  11. Again, please read what I wrote: The second error does not always occur immediately. And we don't know if he also tested the search for settings. Yes, I know the contents of the files. But this doesn't matter if the entry breaks a function.
  12. Sure, I tested it. And only for you I have tested it again now and the problems are still occurring! 1. Settings search error - Search for an option of the Settings app, e.g. Lock screen (in German it is called Sperrbildschirm). - Now delete the file "SettingsCache.txt" and reboot. - After the reboot, the search for settings is broken. 2. Application search error If you just delete the files "AppCache###.txt" and reboot immediately, the error mostly does not occur. But I could repro it very often this way: - Search for an application, e.g. Firefox, and reboot. - After the reboot, search for an application again. Now there should be more than two "AppCache###.txt" files in the folder. - Delete all "AppCache###.txt" files and reboot. - After the second reboot, the search for applications is also broken. It would be very nice and fair if you would also trust other people and not always just yourself.
  13. Again, many thanks for all revised and new entries. Winapp2.ini updates: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/commit/c98545bce3765284331de18e65b64cfe9d69acce https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/commit/ec65d99d94ee0c0bcbd7d2701e00d45e3dfe14b2
  14. If you use SpecialDetect, the Detects and DetectFiles for the other browsers will be ignored. This is a strange behavior of CCleaner. And that's why we don't use SpecialDetect in Winapp2.ini anymore.
  15. I'm sorry, but you're wrong. If you delete the *.txt files, you're breaking Cortana. Please read the previous posts (have you ever read what other people have written?) and the issue report on GitHub. After a reboot, the search for settings and applications no longer works correctly. And please don't discuss this any further with me, because other people (not me) have reported the problems and also confirmed the fix. Thanks for respecting that! This has already been discussed. By the way, why do you always care what other cleaners do? If every cleaner would do the same, then it is not necessary to have different cleaners... Because this is one of the few remaining entries that combines the version of Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10. Therefore it has two different Detects.
  16. @CSGalloway @siliconman01 @Nergal Thanks for the tip. Sometimes it can be easier than you think.
  17. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this trick either. (The winapp1.ini file would definitely need a cleanup and more maintenance...)
  18. Sure, I will add it. Ok, sorry, I didn't know that, because I have a non-English Windows and always remove all pre-installed apps.
  19. I would suggest that we rename the existing entry [News *] to [Bing News *] and add DetectOS=6.2|6.3 (as with the other Bing entries). And rename your new entry [Microsoft News *] to [News *]. We should then add DetectOS=6.2|6.3 to the existing entry [Microsoft Reader *].
  20. Ok, thanks for your reply. Then Piriform has to look at it.
  21. Do you use a file for extended cleaning, like the file "winapp2.ini"? What is the version number of your CCleaner and Chrome?
  22. Many thanks for all revised and new entries. Winapp2.ini update: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/commit/fb71a172c8873be292f166e6be9f921f100096e5
  23. Thank you very much for all your replies and entries. Winapp2.ini update: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/commit/26cd94044d952b62d0782a06c86eaf6f6d22eeb2
  24. No, why should we? You obviously did not read what siliconman01 and I wrote: If the current entry is used without "Windows Safe Mode", it BREAKS the "Windows Search". And that is the big difference to the entries you mentioned! Because the other entries do not break anything! The reason why we will remove the FileKeys is not that CCleaner cannot delete these files or that "Windows Safe Mode" is needed for a complete cleaning, they are removed because they BREAK a function. When an entry or key breaks a function, it is removed, that was always the policy. So please calm down and do not take such things personally. By the way, there were many entries that were removed only on your request, while other people still liked the entries... Right, the rest of us are not working hard at it at all. Thank you so much for your appreciation. As long as CCleaner is not able to remove locked files, a few entries will not work as in other cleaner programs that have this ability. Therefore, CCleaner cannot be fully compared with these programs. Yes, it may be a privacy concern in this case, but with the limited functions of a Winapp2.ini respectively CCleaner it is not possible to make a safe/harmless entry. But people who are more familiar with Winapp2.ini can still easily add their own entries. (Thanks to Winapp2ool this is now very easy.) And these people will also know how to use "Windows Safe Mode" for some of the entries.
  25. @siliconman01 Just to be safe: Is the name of the entry correct? Because there is a "Dell Mobile Connect" app and a "Dell Customer Connect" app. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/dell-mobile-connect/9nx51w9gbs5t https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/dell-customer-connect/9nf0ggq5s6qx
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