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Ryan Morton

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Everything posted by Ryan Morton

  1. Well being a system administrator for a large corporation that is not always true. If the products works and is freeware we examine it very closely and more than likely will use it if it can fit the needs. Most administrators just want the abilities to control certain aspects as in the orginal posting. If they work it works. Business versions can many times also turn away customers.
  2. Love the Defraggler product and it seems as if the developers really do follow through with suggestions I've seen. Since I am an Active Directory administrator for domains I thought I would suggest these options and see where everybody might stand on them. 1. MSI for Silent Deployment through GPO with .MST for custom install settings 2. GP For Global Settings to Client Machines. 3. Auto Update Controlled Locally and silently (.xml file for config / local network share for deployment) 4. Reporting function via e-mail for machine which could be an HTML or TXT Report along with local log saved to client and purged after x amount of days. 5. Main Console for management like Symantec Console to be able to force commands, pull logs and such on demand from clients. 6. Systems console for all Piriform Products like a WSUS in a way, maybe remote deployment, package builder and such. Possibilities are endless, lets start simple with the Silent MSI deployment =) This Product rocks!
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