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  1. questions remain open: 1) does removing unused file ext. slow down the system when you don't delete these? Or to put it another way, does deleting genuinely useless file extensions actually speed up my system? 2) is there a risk that leaving any old/unused extension in the registry compromise the security in any way, so that hackers may use these to interfere...? And if the answer to both is NO, then this feature of cCleaner is pointless. Any comments?
  2. Hi, I want to say that I love this program for its ease of use, generally. In fact, I plan to give a donation soon. (I like the fact that I can save those cookies I want to keep.) But I would like to see that the following feature be added: Namely, when I delete certain cookies, I would want Ccleaner to remember which ones I've deleted to save me having to repeat the work manually next time a clean out the cookies I don't want / want. Thanks for your understanding.
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