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Posts posted by kobrakommander56

  1. Here's where I disagree with you Rridgely I would def'ly pay for an OS if it came out from a smaller company, or I would've bought Windows when it was first released, ( i dont remember the orignial names but the ones way before 95) but now when it comes down to it, f*** MS , if i DO or DON'T pirate it, I dont care, MS has to learn how to deal wiht this s**t, and if they have to combat software pirating by penalizing the LEGAL consumer, I say f*** them, and f*** the true consumer, if you don't like it, do the best thing you can do and put another OS on your computer. Sorry for my excessive run on sentences but I've come to a point where I'm straight up f***ing pissed with MS's shenanigans.


    and people don't wipe macs to put windows on them, they use bootcamp.

  2. uhhh yeah, mercury, bromine, hydrogen, oxygen, gallium, there are many liquids that are "waterless". Just look at the periodic table.


    not to bash you, but if you were trying to be clever and ask a hypothetical question, you failed horribly.

  3. I've done a majority of drugs recreationally, yes, I enjoyed them and the experiences but I was very responsible with everything I did. One thing that seperated me from others is that I never smoked to get "Stoned" I only smoked a little so that i could relax and get chilled. I've typed so many things on this website when I was under the influence. But wiht anything of these sorts, weed, speed, drinking. I preach the utmost responsiblity on these things, cause if you are going to inebriate or alter your state of mind, you better know what the hell you are doing or you are going to hurt yourself. I have always had full knowledge of what i was doing, I can tell you the chemical compounds of the stuff i've done, i can tell you how it affects your serotonin and dopamine, but I've always researched these things fully out of curiousity and such. What bothers me these days is how kids just get there hands on anything to impair themselves.ok I'm 16, so I can't really say im old and blah blah, but I've never done anything like inhalants, that stuff is extremely dangerous to your physical and mental health, and I don't condone it. Recently though I have quit drinking and smoking because I've started bodybuilding and it doesn't fit in to my diet, and I've been getting healthier physically since then. I don't want to drag this on any longer, but I'm very sorry about your loss, and I can understand where you are coming from, and for any of you that plan on doing any experimenting just don't touch the stuff under your sink, its not made for human consumption.

  4. hmm.. my fav words ever spit out on a song are:


    Immortal Technique: 4th branch


    "this is the information they keep back from Peter Jennings, cause Condaleeza Rice is just a new-age Sally Hemmings."


    "Cuz i won't trade humanity for patriotism"


    "It's like MKULTRA controlling your brain, causing your perspective to change."


    Another one of his songs:


    "I've got skills unused, like the fallopian tubes of a dike."

  5. i just hook mine up through s-video, or component, depending on which tv i choose, i run it out of one of my 7800 gts, go to properties, set it up, then drag the movie to the left, of my monitor and im good to go. FTW

  6. yeah that uses microwave radiation, and is very powerful, and can hurt you really badly if you get in the way. When my father was working in communications in the marine corps they have huge satellites that send transmissions using microwave rays, and usually theres caution tape, or something to block it off. Some careless marine stumbled directly in front of one of the satellites paths and was killed by it. He suffered an extremely painful death considering the fact that he was basically cooked from the inside out.

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