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Everything posted by mbkowns

  1. I wrote this script with AutoIT (www.autoitscript.com) You can easily compile autoit code for external uses in batch files. check out the site above. You could start /wait this compiled code below to automate tasks. I have also created a similar script for all profiles in CCleaner check out my other posts... #include <Array.au3> _Defrag() Func _Defrag() $DRV_Letter = DriveGetDrive("FIXED") If Not @error Then For $i = 1 To $DRV_Letter[0] $PRC = RunWait(@SystemDir & '\df.exe ' & $DRV_Letter[$i], "", @SW_HIDE) ProcessWaitClose($PRC) Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Defrag -MBK (AIM=IllMBKllI)
  2. I updated my AutoIT script to include VISTA and WIN7 support. www.autoitscript.com Check it out. #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global $count _AutoCCleaner() _GetProfilesCCleaner() Func _GetProfilesCCleaner() FileCopy('\\YOUR_SERVER_HERE\CCleaner.exe', @SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe', 1) FileCopy('\\YOUR_SERVER_HERE\portable.dat', @SystemDir & '\portable.dat', 1) FileCopy('\\YOUR_SERVER_HERE\ccleaner.ini', @SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 1) If @OSVersion = "WIN_7" Or @OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA" Or @OSVersion = "WIN_2008" Or @OSVersion = "WIN_2008R2" Then ;~ Check for folders for profiles $uList = _FileListToArray('C:\Users') If @error = 1 Then MsgBox(0, "", "No Files\Folders Found.") Exit EndIf For $i = 1 To $uList[0] If $uList[$i] = "All Users" Or $uList[$i] = "LocalService" Or $uList[$i] = "NetworkService" Or $uList[$i] = "Public" Or $uList[$i] = "Desktop.ini" Then Else $count = $count + 1 IniWrite(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 'Options', 'Include' & $count, 'PATH|C:\Users\' & $uList[$i] & '\AppData\Local\Temp\|*.*') $count = $count + 1 IniWrite(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 'Options', 'Include' & $count, 'PATH|C:\Users\' & $uList[$i] & '\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\|*.*') _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText($Edit1, @CRLF & "Adding " & $uList[$i] & " Temp + Internet Files... ") EndIf Next $count = 0 Else ;~ Check for folders for profiles $uList = _FileListToArray('C:\Documents and Settings') If @error = 1 Then MsgBox(0, "", "No Files\Folders Found.") Exit EndIf For $i = 1 To $uList[0] If $uList[$i] = "All Users" Or $uList[$i] = "Default User" Or $uList[$i] = "LocalService" Or $uList[$i] = "NetworkService" Then Else $count = $count + 1 IniWrite(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 'Options', 'Include' & $count, 'PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\' & $uList[$i] & '\Local Settings\Temp\|*.*') $count = $count + 1 IniWrite(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 'Options', 'Include' & $count, 'PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\' & $uList[$i] & '\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\|*.*') _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText($Edit1, @CRLF & "Adding " & $uList[$i] & " Temp + Internet Files... ") EndIf Next $count = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetProfilesCCleaner Func _AutoCCleaner() ;~ You can add shutdown to the command if you need it. RunWait(@SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe /auto') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\portable.dat') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini') EndFunc ;==>_AutoCCleaner -MBK (AIM=IllMBKllI)
  3. Removed the count function didn't need it just how It came out when I wrote it. So in a nutshell below works with less code. #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global $count FileCopy('\\YOURSHARE\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe', @SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe', 1) FileCopy('\\YOURSHARE\CCleaner\portable.dat', @SystemDir & '\portable.dat', 1) FileCopy('\\YOURSHARE\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini', @SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 1) ;~ Check for docs and settings for profiles $uList = _FileListToArray('C:\Documents and Settings') If @error = 1 Then Exit EndIf For $i = 1 To $uList[0] If $uList[$i] = "All Users" Or $uList[$i] = "Default User" Or $uList[$i] = "LocalService" Or $uList[$i] = "NetworkService" Then Else $count = $count + 1 IniWrite(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 'Options', 'Include' & $count, 'PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\' & $uList[$i] & '\Local Settings\Temp\|*.*') $count = $count + 1 IniWrite(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 'Options', 'Include' & $count, 'PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\' & $uList[$i] & '\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\|*.*') EndIf Next RunWait(@SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\portable.dat') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini')
  4. I wrote an AutoIT script that will parse the profile directory and add lines in the CCleaner.ini file to delete "temp" and "temporary internet files" This is then just a job that is run in Altiris regardless if users are logged in or out. I also have it deleting CCleaner off the machine after so I don't have to leave it there. #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global $count FileCopy('\\YOURSHARE\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe', @SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe', 1) FileCopy('\\YOURSHARE\CCleaner\portable.dat', @SystemDir & '\portable.dat', 1) FileCopy('\\YOURSHARE\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini', @SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 1) ;~ Check for docs and settings for profiles $uList = _FileListToArray('C:\Documents and Settings') If @error = 1 Then Exit EndIf For $i = 1 To $uList[0] If $uList[$i] = "All Users" Or $uList[$i] = "Default User" Or $uList[$i] = "LocalService" Or $uList[$i] = "NetworkService" Then Else _Count() IniWrite(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 'Options', 'Include' & $count, 'PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\' & $uList[$i] & '\Local Settings\Temp\|*.*') _Count() IniWrite(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 'Options', 'Include' & $count, 'PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\' & $uList[$i] & '\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\|*.*') EndIf Next $count = 0 RunWait(@SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\portable.dat') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini') Func _Count() $count = $count + 1 EndFunc ;==>_Count
  5. I wrote an AutoIT script that will parse the profile directory and add lines in the CCleaner.ini file to delete "temp" and "temporary internet files" This is then just a job that is run in Altiris regardless if users are logged in or out. I also have it deleting CCleaner off the machine after so I don't have to leave it there. #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global $count FileCopy('\\YOURSHARE\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe', @SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe', 1) FileCopy('\\YOURSHARE\CCleaner\portable.dat', @SystemDir & '\portable.dat', 1) FileCopy('\\YOURSHARE\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini', @SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 1) ;~ Check for docs and settings for profiles $uList = _FileListToArray('C:\Documents and Settings') If @error = 1 Then Exit EndIf For $i = 1 To $uList[0] If $uList[$i] = "All Users" Or $uList[$i] = "Default User" Or $uList[$i] = "LocalService" Or $uList[$i] = "NetworkService" Then Else _Count() IniWrite(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 'Options', 'Include' & $count, 'PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\' & $uList[$i] & '\Local Settings\Temp\|*.*') _Count() IniWrite(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini', 'Options', 'Include' & $count, 'PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\' & $uList[$i] & '\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\|*.*') EndIf Next $count = 0 RunWait(@SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\CCleaner.exe') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\portable.dat') FileDelete(@SystemDir & '\ccleaner.ini') Func _Count() $count = $count + 1 EndFunc ;==>_Count
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