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Everything posted by jvbueno

  1. I do have the install package in a small thumbdrive. It is so small and easy to install and uninstall that I never think that a portable is needed. I just to be aware and not install the Google toolbar ( I do not criticize this alternative as they have to make money somehow). Uninstall is a bliss and sometimes users ask to leave the application in their computers for their own use. It is so easy(!) Portable is not needed for me and in permanet use for more than 200 desktops and Laptops all together THANKS! Juan
  2. But in a safe environment (corporate) user do not have rights over computer and in this case all is delete ?SAFE? I did found a solution to clean the hist\*.*, tem\*.* and Internet temp\*.* form ALL THE USERs WITH JUST ONE CLEAN Right click in the CCleaner icon ?run as? administrator ID and password INCLUDE and Enter data of all users to clean all the hist\*.*, tem\*.* and Internet temp\*.* Run the CCleaner and Voila most of the job is done THANK YOU Juan
  3. At the beginning I found annoying that I couldn?t copy and paste but alter had been using the Cleaner for soemtime I notice that they control your files with a few key *.* than sometimes you could forget, destroying accurate data and protecting your light descitions Thank you. Juan
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