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  1. I launched a HDD repare S/W Then I boot and the HDD was now back and a shadow HDD "Y" is still present (the one which I supposed to be the missing HDD) It seems that every thing is OK, but I loose my confidence in Defraggler and will avoid to use it in the future
  2. Vista 32 One USB external Hard Drive Defraggler launched on the disk, as it is a big HDD it takes long time and I have been obliged to stop defraggler before the end of the work, through "Stop" button. Then I stopped the PC A couple of Hour later I boot the PC and launched Defraggler to finish the work, the HDD was on the list, but when I launched the defrag option : message "processing aborted due to "le p?riph?rique n'est pas pr?t" I moved to Windows Explorer and the HDD is no more listed. I stoped the HDD, plug it again, one deviced recognised by Windows but not available in the Windows explorer and now in the defraggler list it gets the letter Y, capacity 0GB I moved to the "gestionnaire de p?riph?riques", the HDD is present as an USB device working correctly It seems that defrag has corrupted some file. How I can repare the HDD, I have very important files on it. Thanks for the help
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