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Posts posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. A new winapp2ool for your consideration: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/pull/318/commits/976dd4c0885ba3d47e04330b062956dc2e8f5e75

    Most of the changes in this commit are code structure changes, a good chunk of refactoring is present here and the code is much nicer for it. Some more doc strings have been filled out too, though some docstrings may now be out of date due to the changes. 
    Some small user facing changes:
    Diff now returns to whichever menu called it (Diff or main winapp2ool) instead of just to the main winapp2ool menu
    Menus are now dynamic! This means not all options will be visible at all times and some options may change depending on your choices. This is mostly where you might download winapp2.ini (enabling the download changes the local file selection option into the download non-ccleaner winapp2.ini option). Hopefully this should reduce menu clutter. 
    I have also considered removing the non-ccleaner winapp2.ini option entirely and instead making it a toggle somewhere that applies universally across the application, since I don't imagine many people wanting to use both files during the same session. Very open to feedback on this front. 


    A very big diff for the code can be found here: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/pull/318/commits/b6d95d61b7bc15c4089dde196b123ea09c4e2c67


  2. 6 hours ago, SMalik said:

    New Entry


    [SleepStudy Logs *]

    I think these FileKeys should be folded into either Windows Logs * or Windows Subsystems * rather than have their own entry, good find

  3. On 10/30/2018 at 09:47, dvdbane said:


    got this error and winapp2ool crash when running offline while trying to setup winapp2.ini on my friend laptop

    no error when running online

    test function merge and trim, no problem, didn't test other features

    does this cause by not using dotnet 4.6 like issue #251 on github?

    win 7 sp1, dotnet 4.5.2


    This error wasn't happening in my development environment (probably due to the nature of debugging applications) but it should be fixed in the next winapp2ool update. The application is intended to be usable when offline (with the exception of online functions)

    If using .NET 4.5.2 you should also see a message on the menu informing you that the tool requires .NET 4.6 but 4.6 is only required to use TLS 1.2 for downloading the executable. Everything else should work as expected

  4. 3 hours ago, JDPower said:

    So revolutionary. I've had my Firefox set up to do this for years - tabs restored from last session and FF set to run at startup :lol:

    Chrome has a similar feature that I've noticed but never seen discussed, so does Windows Explorer!


    I think this is something Microsoft is trying to take on as a UX problem (ie. unexpected restarts interrupt a user's workflow in a very destructive way) 

    Timeline on Windows 10 and the upcoming (or released? I'm not sure) "Sets" feature I've seen talked about seem to be about remembering the context of your open applications and restoring them when appropriate.

  5. At this point yes, the features are mostly in their final state under the new menu system. I'll be working on creating documentation for it all soon.

    14 hours ago, siliconman01 said:

    Is the format for 0.85beta for the features included at this point pretty much as you expect to keep them?  The reason for my question is that I would like to generate a "How to use" procedure for a few "not so computer savvy" friends and relatives that I help with their computers.  :)  They are currently using the pre-Winapp2ool tools to trim their Winapp2.ini.  They only use Trim and the CCinidebug tools because I do the other "stuff" prior to sending them the latest Winapp2.ini each time a new version of CCleaner is released.  

    TIA for your feedback.  

    On a related note, I have intention to create likely one more module that executes combinations of the other modules tasks, so simplify the tool further.

  6. On 5/25/2018 at 01:34, siliconman01 said:

    For some reason, the TRIM function of winapp2ool.exe (V0.8.0.0) does not recognize the DetectFile shown below for Chrome and it trims these all out.


    If I change this to DetectFile2=%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome, then they are not TRIMMED out.  

    I wonder if CCleaner is recognizing %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome*  where it is used in FileKey and ExcludeKey. ??? 

    A build of winapp2ool.exe with this fixed is available: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/pull/245

    It's not yet on the master as I've made significant changes to the code and want to make sure everything is still functional before pushing. Everything in my tests seemed OK though :)

  7. 12 hours ago, siliconman01 said:

    For some reason, the TRIM function of winapp2ool.exe (V0.8.0.0) does not recognize the DetectFile shown below for Chrome and it trims these all out.


    If I change this to DetectFile2=%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome, then they are not TRIMMED out.  

    I wonder if CCleaner is recognizing %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome*  where it is used in FileKey and ExcludeKey. ??? 

    This is a bug (oversight regarding expanding wildcards) in Trim and will be fixed in an upcoming major update to the tool :) Thanks for pointing this out

  8. 19 hours ago, ROCKNROLL said:

    Actually, I would much rather starting moving things over to GitHub. Once Winap2ool comes out of beta, I will be working on making a better readme and documentation over at GitHub. Eventually, we will probably end up closing the Winapp2 website as it doesn't have much purpose anymore, but this hasn't been discussed, yet.

    I don't mind keeping this thread open. Perhaps a bit of cleaning of this thread would coming in handy (we are almost at 300 posts). Maybe people will be nice enough to specify if there contributions belong to Winapp2 or Winapp3 for the future.

    300 posts? There's over 7000! :lol: (but I suppose you probably meant pages)

    I don't think the thread needs cleaning. That's a lot of work for moderators and now that winapp2 itself is on GitHub it's a lot easier to track which changes actually make it into the file (when I was maintaining it alone and by hand, any changes I missed would be lost to the ages unless someone specifically audited for those changes and pointed out that I'd missed them).

    Overall I think that it'd be fitting for winapp3 contributions to be kept exclusively on GitHub. This is the winapp2 thread, and I think it'd be less confusing for everyone if it stayed that way.


  9. I don't think winapp3 is substantive enough yet to warrant its own thread or really even much discussion on this one besides update notifications. Any discussion about it is likely best kept to GitHub for the sake of keeping this thread on topic for now.

  10. 10 hours ago, siliconman01 said:

    0.85b is showing 3 duplicate errors when executing WinAppdebug.  These are not detected with 0.85



    This is the intended behavior. I had been working on finding unneeded parameterizations (eg log*.txt;log.txt -> log.txt is not needed because log*.txt covers it) but I didn't complete that work yet so I had intended to disable it. In the meanwhile, any wholly duplicate parameters should be caught properly by WinappDebug. Anything with wildcards is hit/miss (mostly miss) still.


    It should be noted that those errors are actually accurate in your output



    between plmlog*.* and plmlog.*, only plmlog*.* is needed :)

  11. winapp2ool.exe has been updated

    Something not listed in the changes on the commit (pasted below) is that the application should no longer crash when you hand it an ini with no ; version string in it. :)

    I posted about the command line arguments here: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/issues/200

    New: Merge Modes - Merge now has 2 behaviors for dealing with duplicate section names in the two ini files it's merging. The default is Replace & Add, which will replace any sections in the first ini with the section of the same name from the second ini. The other mode will remove any sections with the same names. Enjoy! 
    New: Preliminary support for command line arguments. I'll post a list of these somewhere that isn't this commit message soon. Added basic support for loading winapp2ool with arguments to automate certain tasks. This feature is not fool proof yet (ie. if you try to break it, it will probably break) and for lacking of testing, not necessarily use proof yet either. For this functionality to work, most of the initialization for the modules was rewritten, so most of my testing so far has been to make sure the modules still work for testing the automation (though if the module works then in theory handing it valid command line args should work just as well) 
    CCiniDebug was rewritten to a degree. The prompt to save ccleaner.ini has been removed, and it instead automatically saves its changes back to ccleaner.ini.
    The prompt to save diff.txt has been removed. It is now available as a menu level toggle instead.



  12. On 3/15/2018 at 01:21, siliconman01 said:

    Merge error in Winapp2ool.exe

    Attached is a pic that shows that the Merge process in Winapp2ool.exe is clipping off lines at the end of the Merge txt.  This is 100% repeatable on my Windows 10x64 Pro systems.  



    Merge has had its underlying behaviors changed since you posted this (namely how it handles sections with duplicate names between ini files) so I'll have to ask that you test with the newest build when its posted (hopefully tonight!) and see if this issue persists!

  13. 11 hours ago, siliconman01 said:

    This applies to Windows 10x64 Pro Insider Build 17115.1, V1803 and the latest winapp2ool (Run as Administrator).  When I attempt to MERGE my custom.ini with winapp2.ini, I get an exception error.  I have attached the Event Viewer errors.  4.7.1 .NET Framework is installed.



    I think I have an idea of the problem here and have a fix ready. Does your custom.ini have a "; version " string? or any ini comments (lines that start with ; ) at all? If not, try adding one and see if it works. I found a spot in the winapp2file constructor where an exception would occur if handed an inifile object with no comments. If that's the problem, the next build will fix it.

  14. winapp2ool has been updated, comes with some neat lil tidbits

    user facing changes:
    new: merge module for removed entries.ini and custom.ini
    new: autocorrect feature in WinappDebug
    new: download & trim the latest winapp2.ini
    new: diff local winapp2.ini against online versions
    new: download removed entries.ini
    changed: menu layouts

    It also now requires .NET Framework 4.6 which I think means Windows XP will no longer be supported. This is because of a TLS change on GitHub's end that .NET Framework 4.5 alone didn't support.

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