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Everything posted by PrivateWiddle

  1. Good point, I'll do that until I can do so in the main programme. thanks pw
  2. Hello, Thanks for CCleaner. I'd like to be able to paste a folder address into the included list for custom cleaning. At the moment the only method is to navigate to it which can be time consuming when the folder in question is several layers deep. Thanks pw
  3. Hello, Although this was suggested a year ago its still not included in CCleaner. I assumed that recent items were being cleared in Vista, but was surprised to come across this folder bulging with zillions of tiny shortcut files. Apart from anything else its a very easy way for people to track your useage. The folders that I have added manually are as follows: Include1=PATH|C:\Users\Liam\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\|*.* (mentioned above) Include2=PATH|C:\ProgramData\Grisoft\Avg7Data\avg7upd\$history\|*.* Include3=FILE|C:\ProgramData\Kontiki\|error2.log Include4=PATH|C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\GatherLogs\|*.* Include5=FILE|C:\Users\Liam\AppData\Roaming\BBC Alerts\|log.txt Include6=PATH|C:\Windows\Logs\|*.* Include7=PATH|C:\Users\Liam\AppData\Roaming\BBC Alerts\cache\|*.* Include8=PATH|C:\Users\Liam\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\|*.* Include9=PATH|C:\Users\Liam\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Media Player\Art Cache\|*.* Include10=PATH|C:\Users\Liam\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\|*.* Include11=PATH|C:\Users\Liam\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\Services\Cache\|*.* Include12=PATH|C:\Users\Liam\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Local Folders\Junk E-mail\|*.* Include13=PATH|C:\Users\Liam\AppData\Local\Temp\|*.* Some of these are Vista, some are common applications and some just stuff I use. (*) PLEASE NOTE - My user name is LIAM so you must be careful to replace that with yours (and do it accurately) This is a single user machine, if yours is not then the matter is more complex. I wonder if some of the more common ones, like AVG, and the windows stuff could be included? Anyone can edit their CCleaner.ini file to add these folders so I have kept the format, but make sure you change the Include number to avoid duplication in your ini file. I think they are all safe, of course there's no point trying to clean folders that don't exist on your machine. (*)Don't add the windows mail one if you use that programme regularly because you run the risk of losing legit emails that have wrongly been junked. (*) The WMP art cache folder was full of crap I never use (I avoid WMP whenever possible) so if you are a WMP fan and use whatever art features may happen to be then don't include that folder. (*) Kontiki - This file sharing app is installed by the BBC iPlayer download manager and the Channel 4 4od manager (only of interest to UK users) and probably other applications (look at Wikipedia to find out). My advice is stay away from Kontiki altogether, its a bloody nightmare. Its next to impossible to uninstall, it hogs your bandwidth and it builds up ginormous logs and temp files. Hope this helps someone
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