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Everything posted by Raheem

  1. Wow. I'd say thats a HUGE bug. The weird thing though is that some of these files DONT have an assosiation.
  2. Ok. I understand. But why does it consider the assosiations unused?
  3. I think the button to add CCleaner to the recycle bin should be removed from the portable version of CCleaner. If it is checked off, and the flashdrive is unplugged, the user will be unable to remove the selection from the lst, and it will not work if clicked on.
  4. There are some files listed as unused that I still have programs that use them. (Ex, I have 7 Zip, it notices .7z files, I have Project 64, it notices N64 and Z64 files, It notices sff files, I need those for MUGEN.) So before I get rid of these entries, I would like to know how this will affect my ussage of these files.
  5. Hello everybody! This program is quite handy but I am missing two Buttons: 'Mark all files' and 'Unmark all files'. It is a bit annoying if you selected for example two files in your 35000+ files found list and when you scroll and want to recover another file the first two are still selected and unnecessarily recovered again. Hope you will add this to further versions! Besides great work!
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